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Holdout b1b

It's like Hang um' High except you Hold em' Out.

Courtesy of Fishbus, welcome to Holdout! Holdout is a special, prototype version of an Attack/Defense version of Capture the Flag.

In Holdout, the BLU team's objective is to capture any of the three RED flags as many times they can within the time limit. When a flag is captured, the round timer increases by 30 seconds. The RED team's objective is to defend all flags from being captured as long as they can, so they can keep the total flags capped count down for when they attack. Flags respawn when all flags in a given set of three have been captured.

Currently, there is no proper "win" condition for BLU Team other than the point counter at the end of the round. (So you cap 1 flag, you have 1 permanent point). Each team gets chances to play on offense and defense, so both teams can earn points. Please keep in mind that the map (and the gamemode) are prototypes, so this may change in the future.


Around the map are progress boards; The disabled light indicates that a flag has been captured, the blue light indicates that a flag is owned by BLU but hasn't been captured, and the red light indicates that a flag is still in the possession of RED.
Katsu! :3
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CTF

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  1. b1b

    ctf_holdout_b1 -> ctf_holdout_b1b, by Fishbus. Changelog Added Announcer lines for intel states. Added a briefcase hologram on the capture zone to assist players in understand where/what it is. Added more signage for BLU. Added intel status...