- Removed the barn near the cornfield
This structure generally only ended up cluttering the area and reducing opportunities for creative gameplay, which is what this map is meant to be all about. The building has been replaced by a stack of hay, and displacements have been adjusted to compensate for the removal. Snipers should now have a much better time in this area, though they are left very exposed.
- Reworked the main barn side room
This room was previously very small, and awkward to navigate. The changes made in this version should improve flow around the area and make it nicer to actually use the room.
- Removed some unnecessary doorways
- Removed the shutter door closest to spawn in the lobby
- Clipping improvements
- Misc Bugfixes
- Probably some other small stuff!
A warning, this map is only 'kinda' RC. This time around i'm treating RC as, well, release
candidate. If I don't have anything else to fix, i'll whip up some promo material and release it! Otherwise, it'll just go up in RC versions. Treated pretty much like most people do with late Betas, so don't be surprised if this hits RC7 or something. Honestly I probably should have released the map in Beta originally, but whatever.

R - Map probably still isn't done yet.