
Hakugyokurou a6

Oh boy, this one was a hard one to make. But I have finally decided to rework the point itself instead of trying to work around it. It hurts, but it had to be done.
  • Tear down one of the walls around the control point.
  • Raise the control point a bit
  • Remove everything connected to that wall.
  • Allow the ability to enter the room containing the "Lore Tree"
  • The Saigyou Ayakashi steals your life if you are too close to it.
  • Added more space to the building next to the shack.


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Made so many changes to the layout that this version gets its own Alpha version. Reusing more space for a more balanced experience.
Change Log:
  • The Roof near the spawn points leads to a new route.
  • One way door to the building next to the shack.
  • Revamp the building next to the shack for more room and clearing sightline to the door.
  • Added a sniper cubby near the new door.
  • Added roof on the sides of the central building.
  • Moved ramp to roof from the Central Building's Entrance.
  • Added another route into the Central building through new roof. (Might remove a route in the future)
  • Rearrange the inside of Central Building for new route.
  • Decrease Losing Team's Respawn Time slightly
  • Decrease Capping Time Slightly
  • Fixed up the Lighting
I swear the Alpha phase is a lot faster then it used to be. Might be because its KOTH. Anyways some smaller changes this time around. I think from this point forward, the layout wont change. It has crystallized, only small changes to enhance gameplay. Anyways, here are the changes!

Change Log:
  • Added roofing on the sides near the point. Replacing the opening there with glass.
  • Redid the building next to the shack, now it has more space and has a health kit.
  • Added a wooden board toward the tree platform from shack.
  • Upgrade the health on the Tree platform.
  • Lower the Tree platform a bit, added a bit of elevation under it.
  • Opened up and redid the interior of the main building.
  • Added more health in interior (Will definitely change)


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Alpha 3 Hotfix

A second test was done while I was creating this. I applied most of the feedback and will promise to work on others after testing.

Change log:
-Added ramps in certain areas
-Reduce the thickness of the second floor in the Central building
This is going way faster then I thought. I had this map tested last night and here I am with a revamped version. I heard your cries and made the map bigger, adding many more pathways and features, including the Saigyou Ayakashi itself. Well a place for it anyways. After 10 hours of work and revisioning, hopefully it would have been worth the wait. :)
Change Log:
-Added the "Saigyou Ayakashi"(Temporary tree in its place)
-Added a platform that goes around the tree.
-Added a ramp from the new platform to the main roof.
-Spread out the buildings a bit.
-Added an additional route into the Central building.
-Spread out health packs in the Central building.
-Added a health pack at the center of the new platform around the tree.
-Add more space to the shacks.
-Revamped buildings in front of the spawns.
-Added ammo packs at the edge of the map.
-Slightly increase size of the capture point
-Tinkered with lighting.


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This was a long time coming, honestly I was too lazy to release this version. Felt like a halfass attempt to fix problems with the map. I hope the map is still fun despite those changes, please tell me everything wrong with it so I can get a clear idea on how to improve it. :>
Change log:
  • Clear Marking on where the capture point is.
  • Removed roofing on the side buildings so some areas wont be spammed from above.
  • Remove most walls on the roof around the point. (Snipers, this is your chance)
  • Added a ramp inside the buildings near spawn for another way to the roof.
  • Added Ramp near the main building.
  • Slight nerf to ammo inside the main building.
  • Buff main building with a Health pack.
  • Rearrange and upgraded health that was on roof.
  • Added tiny health kits on the sides of the point.
  • Fixed lighting for testing.


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