
Hacksaw rc1b

hacksaw b3​

  • Fixed perch spots above wooden doorways and metal roofs
  • Finale siren can be heard from a much greater distance
  • Fixed missing fog and soundscape transition in barn windows
  • Gate triggers are larger to prevent you from bumping into them
  • Removed red buildings from the 3dsky for being too distracting
  • Moved wooden planks that were covering gameplay signs
  • Moved the CP holograms to make it more obvious that the computer is the objective
  • More detail adjustments

Hacksaw B2​

  • Raised respawn times (from wave time 3 to wave time 6) so that defenders aren't as overwhelmed
  • Lessened the time it takes to cap (slower than Alpha 6a, faster than B1)
  • Fixed some stuck spots behind trees
  • Fixed perch spots
  • Repositioned glowing signs to be larger and more readable
  • Fixed missing clipping on lots of beams
  • Added more spec cams around the map, being two for each team, and a neutral one at the finale
  • Disabled collision around various window frames to make them easier to jump in and out of
  • Adjusted height of middle platform so you won't take fall damage when walking off
  • Added a sheet of metal you can surf when walking off the sniping balcony to avoid fall damage (you could already avoid it if you were careful but this adds another avenue)
  • Fixed incorrect control point names
  • Updated the 3dsky
    • Mountains are higher resolution and use a rockier texture
    • Added distant mountains that cover the skybox seam
  • Fixed up some spots of detailing
  • Fixed offset spotlight entities
  • Added howling wind sounds and particles to the cliff
  • Temporarily replaced the rocket with a model that should be less buggy
Hotfix to b1 to fix missing sky (you should delete your existing b1 version if you have downloaded it)
  • Detailed the map (final custom assets to come in RC)
  • Optimized the map
  • Added Soundscapes
  • Added a welcome cam
  • Adjusted resupply locations for ease of access and readability
  • Receeded a cliff to prevent a stuckspot
  • Adjusted little bits of the layout here and there, mainly around stairs to provide for more breathing room
  • Made final push slightly slower and re-implemented visual and audio effects
  • Fixed various clipping around the map
  • Returned the cart to a level 1 dispenser instead of level 2








  • Added fallback material for the rocket model for players on FPS configs
  • Fixed gutters that players could stand on
  • Fixed collisions on railings next to the rocket
  • Adjusted some fog transitions
  • Lightened up some sniper windows
  • Fences no longer push you into the death pit
  • Cliff faces around the map will push you more consistently
  • The saws no longer insta kill, but instead deal rapid high damage
    • This gives players a moment to correct their mistake, and not be as badly punished for being too close to the cart when it's taking a turn, while still having the funny highlight of being caught off guard
    • The cart now gibs you, which will zoom out your screen and show you that the cart killed you better
  • Tweaked fog and lighting
  • Changed upper battlements ammo to medium
  • Fixed blue payload triggering a red victory
  • Fixed some visible prop fades
  • Updated mid, cliff, and finale
    • Extended each team's building out to have a new hut
      • This hut blocks sightlines, serves as a harder area to push the cart through, and repurposes some of the combat flow
    • The cliff now has a small ammo kit on each team's slope
    • Changed the cart to go down to the cliff and loop back up to your team's side with a rollback, and then finally cross back over near the enemy team's battlements at the very end
    • There is no more elevator, its now just a normal PLR finale for the time being
      • The cart will need to be held at the saw for an extended period of time like a capture point
    • Added a doorway with a wooden platform accessible from the finale that allows you to shoot down toward the cliff
    • The jump pad has been removed (sorry) and replaced with a full ammo cubby
    • Moved the rocket from the cliff to the finale
    • Removed big rock at mid, making for a much more straightforward access to the finale from mid
    • Overlooking windows were moved out and adjusted to be clearer and more obvious while nerfing some of their reach- they also now serve as a partial sentry nest overlooking the new finale
  • Fixed the wrong sawblade getting bloody when killing a player
  • Fixed some erroneous clipping
  • Closed some decorative windows and grates to help optimization
  • splattered some more bits of team coloring around
  • Added tons of fades to props -especially out of bounds ones- so that they don't draw if you're on the other side of the map
  • Fixed large window textures in spawn
  • Tweaked lighting to bring back a bit of the saturation that the removal of the color correction took away
  • Fixed trees blocking a sightline between some windows
  • Fixed broken areaportal windows
  • Tweaked lightmap density around the map- areas with contrasty shadows will be much higher definition (below are some examples)
  • added one-way doors around the spawns similar to hightower (dont bother trying to exploit as engi with teleporters i thought of that already)




  • made the payload dispenser a level 2, but also made it slower
  • elevator is significantly slower
  • elevator boost pad launch target is now tied directly to the cart platform, so you will always be launched high enough to reach it
  • blocked the ability for people on the boost pad to shoot across the map

  • clipped some little things here and there
  • removed the color correction for now
  • the sawblades attached to the carts are now smaller, more receeded, and louder

  • removed grass that somebody thought was a spy