
Gravelpile A3 V2

There were some issues noted on the last impromptu test that I fixed in this version. However, it only had 3 players per team, so I could not have gather enough data to properly work on the map.

- Learned what displacements are.
- Added a rock cover to building-balcony exit.
- Changed the small health pack on the sniping balcony to a medium one.
- Added a small health pack inside the building.
- Reverted back to dev textures.
- Increased the capture area to cover the whole pile of gravel.
- General clipping and bug fixing

No screenshots again, sorry! I promise to have something on the next version though!
Wow it has been a year since i have updated this. Better late than never, eh?

- Updated textures to match the theme.
- Fixed bugs.
- Increased the size of the second courtyard and the area around the point.
- Added a new, experimental route that goes through the middle building in the second courtyard.
- Changed the sniping balcony's medium health- and ammo packs to small ones (due to the new route through the building).
- Changed the layout of the hallway with trucks.
- There may be more changes but it has been so long, I have long forgotten. It is almost sad, yes?

No screenshots, I have gotten lazy.
- Reworked the entrance near the sniping balcony to reduce sightlines (see the screenshots)
- Raised the point slightly
- Changed the main entrance's medium ammo pack into a full one
- General clipping
- Fixed being able to shoot into other teams spawn from the second courtyard

this time i learned how to compress a map. The file should be a lot smaller, if i did everything correctly.
A tiny little update here. It adds an "info_observer_point" into the map (Thanks Tierra!). I do not want my map to crash when its playtested. That could leave a negative impression of it. As for the cosmetic changes, I will leave them for now.