
Fortified Fortified A2

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Fortified Fortified A2

A viaduct like, small koth map

A dustbowl styled, viaduct inspired, king of the hill map.
Both red and blue spawn undergound and must make their way up to the point, going through their respective structures.

This is the second map i've ever made and the first one that is actually playable, any ounce of feedback is heavily appreciated.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. Fixed lighting errors, removed a weird wall when coming from spawn, added more decorations.

    Fixed lighting errors caused by intersecting displacements as well as giving the map a more "arid" look. Previously, when exiting spawn there was a thin, out of place wall blocking you from taking a shortcut to the point, so I removed it. Added...
  2. replaced a dev texture that went unnoticed

    replaced a dev texture that went unnoticed