Forgecall (DM VScript)

Forgecall (DM VScript) v20

  • Reduced Rocket Launcher's splash radius (146 -> 109.5) for Open Fortress parity.
  • Fixed the Botkiller attachments not getting deleted.
  • Fixed Chaingun's spread being wider than should have been.
  • Added a new forgecall-exclusive victory screen.
Bugfixes and updated animations.
  • Added the Chaingun.
  • Fixed an FPS issue related to the Merc's cosmetics and third-person weapon model.
  • Fixed Previous Weapon bind not working correctly.
  • Dropped weapons' reserve ammo now carries over from the previous owner, as opposed to always being full.
  • Fixed GIB bomblets sometimes exploding the attacker upon the main projectile's impact.
  • Fixed being able to switch off of GIB during its attack charge.
  • Code improvements and optimization.
More fixes
fixed crash
  • Added G.I.B. You have no idea how much work behind this single line was.
  • This map now uses G.I.B. instead of the Quad Launcher.
  • Added outlines to weapon pickups you don't currently possess.
  • Improved Weapon UI performance.
  • Fixed pickups not respecting the assigned collision box.
  • Fixed invisible pickups blocking certain attack types.
  • Fixed dropped weapons not providing the weapon sometimes.
  • Added the visual countdown indicator for Super Weapons.
  • Super Shotgun now gibs the opponent upon dealing more than 150 damage in 1 shot.
Minor fixes on top
Small fixes
  • General fixes to the previous upload.
  • Railgun now headshots without scoping.
  • Ammo pickups now work correctly.
  • Dropped weapons now work correctly.
  • Super Weapons now drop upon death even when not selected.
  • Fixed pickup hitboxes being too small