
Asym2 FantasMud b3

Just small bug fixes that don't change gameplay:

  • Clipping on blu cave
  • Clipping in front of blu spawn on railing at corner intersection
  • Z-Fighting at building outside blu spawn
  • Door in blu spawn Railing at blu spawn
  • Crate on A slightly slightly lowered
  • Doors at blu spawn fixed
  • Seam at blu spawn
  • Spawn doors have light for ressupply
  • Brush in red spawn fixed
  • Extra Cubemaps
  • Slight lighting change on lava at B
  • Fixed HDR Lighting in places
  • Gave blu attackers ammo at A
  • Fixed solid rocks
  • Fixed Red doors
  • Fixed broken spawn room entity
  • Fixed HDR Lighting in places
  • Gave blu attackers ammo at A
  • Fixed solid rocks
  • Fixed Red doors
  • Fixed broken spawn room entity
Packed it, oops.

Also forgot:

  • Added some soundscapes
  • Added areaportals
Other Hiccup:
  • Dev texture in blue spawn entrance
We gave the map a major lighting and texture pass, which gives a base idea of the direction we're taking the map. There are some slight changes here and there due to this, as we properly aligned brushwork here and there, and neatened up some displacements, however no fundemental gameplay changes have been made other than:

  • Removed glass on A point holdout (This will allow players on the point to hide underneath slightly, a slight buff for mobile classes)

We're hoping this can let us draw conclusions better for gameplay as lighting can influence the players around the map (which we still intend to work on as the focus).

Known hiccups:
  • Gates on blu-spawn go above the entrance building (Not a major issue as it doesn't affect gameplay
  • Window at blu-spawn has a bit of corner seem


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  • Flipped B horizontally
  • Moved doors around
  • Cleaned up sightlines
  • Made multiple healthkits for attackers from medium to small around A, and made the defensive one (outside blu spawn) medium
  • Reworked A, particularly to cull major sightlines by moving around exits and entrances as well as move the upper path around a tad, defence should be much easier on the other higher area
  • removed Door that opens on CP2 and made it an open area, this is to encourage defenders to use highground and develop it as a chokepoint
  • For B, flipped it horizontally, major overhaul that should play very differently
  • Made the main exit two smaller exits
  • Made numerous changes in order for B to work, but perspective wise players should have A LOT better an idea where their opponents are
  • On A, made new highground for defenders and removed bridge in connector
  • On A, removed barrier at defensive exit

These updates are a response to make defenders more capable, as well as ensure visibility as players know where their opponents are when engaging.


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  • Updated A to cull major sightlines, and increase tightness
  • Lowed control point B to allow engagements to act fluidly
  • Re-added path onto B from centre
  • Added rock and changed path at B to discourage a larger sightline
  • Reduced Medium healthpack at A to a small
  • Improved connector into A to have more protection
  • Updated sniperspot at A (far side) to give a significant advantage only to the far-side
  • Blocked off far entrance (the one that opens for cp2), to limit attackers and allow defenders to be more concise
  • removed cover for defenders on blu opening, as it was more disruptive than helpful
  • Expanded the defensive ledge for defenders on CP1 to counteract the other path
  • Opened the CP up so defenders can engage quicker
  • Moved the flank entrance around
  • Removed stairs to CP2, and made a walkaround entrance
  • Removed underbridge