-Added 2 new modes: Control Point (Centralized: 4 Control Points) and Control Point (Medieval: Lineart)​
-Renamed some files​
-Updated all the files to improve the logic and make it easier to understand​
-Redid the TC logic​
-Optimized the Steel icons​
-Optimized the PD icons​
-Fixed some logic of the PL and PLR modes​

I usually update this resource when a map update drops, either to add new stuff or fix old stuff, but since today is an unusual day, here is an unusual update, just improving old stuff.
-Added 2 new modes: Control Point (Linear Dossier(Single-Stage)) and Control Point (Linear Dossier(Multi-Stage))​
-Added a credits list​
-Update Player Destruction logic and assets​
-Updated Control Point (Centralized) HUD to match the one Steel uses now​
-Updated the materials to look better (mostly the HUD icons)​
-Updated the layout of some cp maps to match better the HUD​
-Added a missing sound in pl_1s_4cp_chew​
-Added countdown lines in pd_example​
-Updated pd_example text, now it's shorter​
-Added the missing txt files in the VSH folder + Goal string in the map​
-Added Zombie Infection​
-Added 2 new modes: Control Point (Centralized (KOTH)) and VS Saxton Hale​
-Updated the text of Control Point (Centralized)​

I'm not sure I got VS Saxton Hale 100% right, if someone with more experience notices something wrong, please let me know.