Dustbowl Fixed & Improved

Multi Stage Dustbowl Fixed & Improved v7

· improved texture alignment throughout the enitre map
· fixed a wall being invisible in a cubemap
· higher luxel scale on some surfaces
· readded an occluder and fixed it so it doesn't touch more than one area
· moved a window back into the wall near first point on second stage
· improved 1 displacement in a cave
· added collision to a wooden_barrier01 that i forgot in the same cave that is mentioned above
· fixed some visible holes near the second control point on first stage
· fixed a couple of texture seams
· improved some cubemap placements
· fixed a face of a brush using the wrong texture near second control point on first stage
· rotated the table textures that are out of bounds near reds first spawn so it lines up with the table
and a couple of other small things with some of the textures
· fixed 2 displacements not being sewn together
· added collision to a prop
· improved clipping in the cave on second stage so you don't get stuck on things
· fixed weird shadows on displacements near last stage on the first point
· added collision to some of the wooden_barrier01 props
· fixed the weird shadows on the wooden_barrier01 props
· fixed some "weird" shadows on some more displacements
· fixed displacements that i accidentally sew together causing a displacement to stick out which you could get stuck in
· fixed the top of a wall sticking out of a roof over an open slide door near last point
· aligned a couple of textures up so theirs no seam
· fixed a texture not being the same as the blend textures so it doesn't cause a seam
· made the hole on top of blues first spawn go down a bit to make it look better
· improved the clipping outside reds first spawn on the "cliff"


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version 3

· lowered the brightness of the light near the 5th control point
· improved some wall displacements
· fixed walls clipping through window props
· removed collision on the nail props i added to the lanterns
· added nail props to lanterns i forgot to add it to
· aligned the clip brush under the 4th control point to the metal platform
· moved a couple of doors to align with the door on the other side of the wall
and a couple of other smaller things

version 2

· fixed some dark spots on displacements
· fixed collision on stairs not being disabled on round 2
· added some clips over 2 props that don't have collision
· enabled collision on some stacks of planks near the first control point on round 2
· fixed some light leaking inside the cave near blues spawn on round 2
· added a clip around the intercom in reds first spawn so you don't get stuck on it