Here a version I should have release waaaay sooner before detailling all new areas I made. But I was lazy.
- New lighting and mood work in progress with first iteration of custom skybox.
- New 3D skybox work in progress as well with a set of new rocks.
- Updated Soundscape
- Big pass of detailling. There is still both spwan room and some interiors to do.
- Layout and gameplay changes :
-- Reworked the low mid section stairs to go directly on the point.
-- Removed the big bridge and pillar and made small shacks around the point instead + a plateform to be able to walk on it.
-- Added vent on lower level to be able to sneak around the point.
-- Updated the ground before point to have an extra step. It makes the players on the point more visible.
-- Added several planks and ladder for navigation.
-- Reworked span position and exit. The 3 of them now has different purpose.
-- Tweaked pickups overall, with the addition of a big healthkit in the secret middle passage (test)
What need to be done:
- Spawn and big interiors visual.
- Better clipping pass
- Optimisation (props combine, fade, final hint pass...) Expect some low FPS in mid I guess?