
dm_frizzlesberg final

Ok, look, I'll be honest here - I believe the map is in a state of being final, I'm happy with everything I've managed to do for the map, however - there is one single flaw with the map being that...I don't know how to optimise such an insanely open level. I've done my best with areaportals, but alas, I could only go so far.

Oh, and here's all the changes:
  • You can now choose to have a Map Intro screen with the map install!
  • Fixed the overly reflective water cubemap.
  • Added areaportals wherever possible.
  • Attempted to optimise the displacements with visblocking brushes embedded into them.
  • Added a clip brush near the SSG spawn at the Loading Zone to allow easier traversal.
  • Added (OOB) credits texture to the map.
I am content with Frizzlesberg now and I'm ready to move onto new OF mapping projects :]