-Main roof in the center of the map is no longer playable, and no longer has a window that drops down into point B
-Adjusted other roofs to match the changes of the center roof being unplayable
-Lower center area now has two gravel piles that make it easier to get out of the lower areas
-Changed the long crate and wall in the center near point A into a hut/shed
-Removed the long crates in the center of the map near the large ammo pack and instead extended the walls
-Adjusted layout and health/ammo on the flank that goes from spawn to point B, also adjusting doorways
-Removed large white pipes under point A and turned them into coloured pipes (courtesy of fubarFX!)
-Added more team coloured walls to make it easier to tell what team belongs to which side when in the outdoor areas of the map
-Increased the height of the skybox for blast jumping classes
-Adjusted the target of the jump pad at point B
-Made it a little more obvious that the large health pack room near B (the one with the one way doors) is a dead end, and not meant to be a path to point A
-Minor detailing near point A, and also made the fences of inaccessible areas higher
-Removed one way signs from certain spawn doors to prevent confusion
-Removed handrails from team spawn location
-Healthpack and ammopack adjustments
-Other minor changes and the inclusion of more pipes!