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cp_wraparound a2c

Last lobby a little reworked. Doors should be fixed.
-moved forward spawn for pushing last further back (it was too close to 2nd)
-Significantly reduced the height difference between mid and last, as well as cutting down the overall time for all rollouts.
-Last, 2nd, and mid are smaller in overall size.
-Last should be harder to push as the entrances on the right are now very small, and that should negate the high ground advantage there.
-There are more perches the defending team can stand on at last, as well as heaven being much closer to the point with a window to make it a more useful spot to be in.
-Completely reworked the right lobby area, and disconnected the left lobby from the right lobby. Added routes to cross from side to side at last to hopefully still allow for rotations while pushing out of last.
-Made the 2nd highground passive hold have more highground, as well as ensuring the point is significant highground.
-Added more signs, markings under health, more health and ammo and better lighting.
-Removed dropdown and the entrance next to it into the mid-2nd lobby and have added a smaller window that doesn't bring you in as deep.
-Opened up sewer and added a route from it to the mid-2nd lobby that crosses over the choke.
-Removed under from mid and simplified the middle fighting zones.
-Adjusted cover on 2nd and added a small bridge to make it easier to get directly onto the point
added signs, adjusted wall colors a bit and fixed issue with last spawn doors