
cp_sultry b8

I will likely revert a lot of these changes—a little experimental.
Made corner pushing last less invisible
Made scout on last out of the left spawn less hopeless
Overhaul to frogbox
Added 'batman' to mid
Raised barrier over choke
Added more accessible sack options into 2nd via boiler
Adjusted forward spawn for mid
Adjusted point height on mid


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Patch notes were written by @FlipFTW. Thank you!

Reduced scale of mid
One of the primary concerns on mid was that the distance for combat was too far. This resulted in bombs being very hard to follow up on for scouts - to help combat this the mid has been scaled down by about 7%. This reduced distance (from red 'boiler/secret' to blue 'boiler/secret') will hopefully manifest encouraging faster mids.

• Removed clutter from mid
• Adjusted 'frog/glass' area entering into mid
• Widened bridge crossing mid
When rescaling mid, space had to be taken from somewhere, so it was decided to rework the entrance of 'frog/glass' from mid. It should now be a bit harder to hold mid as a defender. (harder to watch all doors from a single spot / short rotation).

• Reduced scale on last Adjusted high ground on last
• Ground on the left is now high ground (defender pov)
• Wood patio extends closer to spawn and further from the 'valley/alley' attacker door (defender pov)
• Crate added to assist scouts out of the right spawn (defender pov), hopfully allowing a scout retake some high ground
Last often felt anti-climatic: the potential for recovering from disadvantage as a defender was gimped by the difficult-to-exit exposed spawns. To help a bit with retaking control of your own last, the spawns were shifted in addition to other general changes to last. The high grounds on alternative sides of the point now serve as a side to push up. Whereas the middle being more "pit-like" offers a risk-reward - forcing attack teams to make a decision to rush the point or hold a side for better post-uber control. Props assisting defenders were added (Crate to allow a non-winger scout to access the prop between defenders spawn & point)
Last continued:
• Removed crate near point, pulled spawn 64 units closer to point (One body width) Tried to
• minimize hiding spots on lasts capture zone
• Crushed lower door into last by 32 units horizontally
• Crushed top left door into last by 32 units (defender pov) : This door was crushed to allow squeaking by a sniper sightline that has been reopened from spawn.
The point was made more exposed to help defenders, and doorways were adjusted to accommodate for the strengths of the areas immediately after the door. In general, pushing out of lower was too powerful for how deeply it infiltrated, with the ground around it changed hopefully there will be more variety in push directions (each route better exemplifies their different purposes).

• Removed more awkward clips and bevels
• Smoothed areas around 'boiler' leading into 2nd
• Raised planter on 2nd so scout leaving lobby cant directly access this without utilizing winger (Questionable?)
Some clips were adjusted to be less awkward, mainly around 2nd and last. The planter attached with the 'batts' was increased in height, this area was always more intended to be soldier ground, but the height allowed scouts to use it in combat. With the increased height hopefully, it is now better/more easily utilized by soldiers.
Thoughts/Questions: I'm currently considering "crushing" valley/alley and later 2nd by a similar margin similar to mid (~10%). I received a lot of feedback on the scale, but I really need more specific feedback on what should be cut to reduce that scale (specific pieces to cut please!)
In this latest version (b7): I think the changes to last are significant enough and large enough that I can't fully comprehend how the game would play.

Overall I strongly believe that the adjustments made are positive. As always, I'm open to feedback and I appreciate those willing to take the time to convince/explain changes to me.
-Flip & Pig

List of silent changes:
> Detailed all forward spawns
> Adjusted/simplified details around the map
> Switched out some noisy textures for smooth ones


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Widened rollout door on last
Adjusted electrical meters collision(Regarding Demoman hiding stickies)
Removed clunky brushwork in favor of flush walls near mid to 2nd

Done for now. Enjoy!


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Thanks to Walrex for collecting feedback, and everyone who tested the map in RGL map testing!

+Shrank doors from mid to 2nd, 'Frogbox' getting the most significant changes.
+Added rock to last to break up the combat spaces on last
+Added bridge to cross mid
+Made it easier for scouts to pitch on the planters from both sides.
+Spawns now contain two resupply cabinets
+Removed light glare from 'boiler' making it easier to spot a hiding spot
+Fixed clipping bugs on mid: Players hiding near the top of the skybox, 'batman' if you will.

The Future?
Who knows! The only thing I have control of is the geometry/assets for this map. The real power lies in the players who play it. Got anything in mind, message me on discord PigPig#8052. We'll talk it out!

I am willing to revise this map to a greater extent, I just need a concise/logical direction.
Till we meet again!


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Fixed "batman" spot on mid
Fixed odd clipping on last
Fixed odd clipping bug across the map pertaining to displacement walls being used for blends
Adjusted awkward rooftop collisions that made soldier bombs weird to execute
Added more clipping on last to block oddly powerful sniper sightlines
Patched texture bugs on 2nd (Like, the soldier movement texture bugs)
Improved movement around the map, streamlined some areas slightly
Removed unimportant console errors relating to Vphysics on props
Fixed area portal on red "frog box" showing the void when far away
Improved visual clarity around choke, fixed location where demo could hide stickies in choke
Adjusted lighting in places that felt overexposed
Fit textures on a 45-degree angle to 1 by 2 (Thanks Seth!)
Added bullet block to pipes on mid, Cleaned up exit patio leaving "frog box"
Added bullet block to last near valley
Adjusted all pillars across the map to have consistent collision boxes:
This also applies to all oddly large bullet blocks surrounding the map, If you can see something now, you should be able to shoot it
Reverted high ground cover piece on last to b4's (Small adjustment, don't worry about it.)

Though this isn't "RC1", It is the foreseeable end of sultry.
Any future plans will be backed by a stable player base or any player interest as well as bug fixes.
So long! Look forward to a new 5cp map in the works!
Very experimental!
Removed tiles building on last and added window to view players rotating through spawn
Completely redefined high ground and low ground on 2nd, Streamlining frog box in the process
Removed lots of hiding spots and awkward geometry all over the map
Moved/created space for health kits
Removed rat spot on mid, Attempting to streamline mid in the process
Adjusted health and ammo on mid
Shrank the boiler door so its harder to drybrush
Improved lighting on blue last and blue side as well as mid, hopefully making target recognition easier on darker monitors
Simplified details by choke and around 2nd
Attempting to remove/lessen hiding spots

Trying to hone in on what makes each area unique, then strengthening it.


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Fixed blue mid-forward spawn trigger being improperly scaled
Added light to window room on last
Fixed team coloring on some props (Truck and red signs on last, some props)
Fixed odd lightmapping mistakes
Adjusted spawn times to be as follows:
8.5 Respawn wave time (16-19 seconds in practice)
+1 second respawn wave to attackers pushing last (~18-20 seconds)
I thought I changed this previously, Mistook the times I guess. (Was 22 second respawns and 25 pushing last. Stupid...)


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Small fixes:
Fixed odd holes on mid
Fixed odd lighting and clipping
Improved lighting, some spots were overly bright
Lightmap optimization/ quality shifts
Added Metal grate by 2nd to allow players to visualize an awkward clip
Fixed blue side capture zones being misaligned by 16 units
Fixed blue side last capture zone being inconsistent from the red side. (Players could cap on top of the crate on the last point but only on the blue side)
Based on overwhelming feedback: "mid is too large, and hard to navigate"

+Made mid smaller and easier to navigate (downscaled, added staircase)
+Changed around health kits on mid
+Moved forward spawn further back on mid
+Lowered spawn times across the board by 2-3 seconds (This roughly matches gully wash spawns now)
+Attackers pushing last now only get a 1-2 second respawn time penalty. (Initially, this was 3 seconds. Drastically lowered to factor new spawn posistion.)
+Fixed weird sticky hiding spots on the middle control point
+Lightmap optimization
+Fixed weird vertex bug near the shutter door
+Blocked sightline soldiers could use to spam 2nd from last
+Fixed visible nodraw above 2nds batts
+Made optimization on the brewery less jarring
+Fixed pipes in spawn not appearing for DX8 users
+Added more useless props to not appear for DX8 users

Lots of shit has been shifted all over the place to make mid smaller.
Because of this, there might be some weird clips and such I need to fix. (I saw some lighting issues on some props)

Right now my hypothesis is: the new mid being smaller makes skybox bombing soldiers too powerful. There are a few ultra fast rollouts that are very easy to execute that might completely dominate this new mid.

b5 may contain decongestion to last, So look forward to that.
Right now I need to see how last works with a new spawn position and spawn times.

let me know what think.


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