
cp_spiral a3

-Added platform by C
-Added Cliping for roofs
-Added roof by Blue spawn

-changed red capture time for B
-maby brocken UI for B
-added new spawn door to red.
-added new door sto red area that open when ajasent point is capturet.
-added reflection.
-added teleporter from blue spawn to B.
cp_spiral_a2 screneshot1.png
-added fences for visulisation of a cliped wall.
-tryed to add signs to indicate the way to B.
-added more helth packs.
-added thired exit area to blue.
cp_spiral_a2 screneshot2.png
-added area by B for more space.
cp_spiral_a2 screneshot3.png
-added path from D to C.
-added temporary info signs.

-fixed red spawn door overlaping.

-changed capture times.
-changed respawn time.
-change parts of layout.
-changed path from red to blue.
cp_spiral_a2 screneshot4.png