
cp_skytrain a7

[Note to people who tested a6: I opted to go back and make changes to a5 for the release of a7]
Removed towers, left tower was replaced with a shed.
Removed entire underground secret area. A small partially walled off section at the back top left added.
Raised point, added cover wall in front of the raised area behind point. (Cap time reduced)
Lobby has been reworked to accommodate lower door facing straight into last, rotate time between the far doors has been reduced, as well as a shortcut route added on the right side going into last.

Small but thick door added connecting bats directly into valley with an indirect route allowing any class to walk up.
Catwalk now goes from bats to 2nd, the place it went to originally is now a see through fence.
The rounded indent section of the 2nd-mid building has been removed, and the window room reworked to flow a bit better.
Forward spawn comes out closer to mid, further away from the point

Mid is now slightly wider and slightly narrower, which made under point more forgiving.
Ramp now leads up to the right high ground, this area has been enclosed in a bit of a "deathbox".
The pillars in the middle are no longer opaque.
HP rearrangement.
-Mid adjustments:
Added a beam with pillars in the center
Consolidated the rock and the building next to it into a single building
Added a small shed for both sides to use on the approach from valley
Pack under point is now medium

-Second adjustments:
Raised 2nd point
Far entrance from lobby comes out higher
Added a structure blocking sight from lower lobby into second + more cover on point
Added a bridge that leads to a platform closer to valley
Valley now allows for box jumps up to shed and to the platform that has a bridge to 2nd.
Packs have been moved to more convenient locations
Added another ledge on the far side of 2nd

-Last adjustments:
The side of last above the "secret" area has been shrunk a bit
Added a rim around the right tower, and a perch above the point

-Added a first pass of texturing and detailing to the gameplay areas. NOT FINISHED! Very scrappy right now and will be improved and changed in later versions!
-Last is now outside
-Last secret area reworked to be more useful and lower ceilings
-Removed wall between left and right side of last
-Introduced 2 rockets at last
-Removed the sac window between last and lobby and widened last a bit

-Streamlined middle transition (window room) between mid and 2nd
-Removed the 2 way jump from the middle transition to the crate at mid and flattened that section of mid
-Added a pipe to stand on at valley and opened up the skybox
-Rollout is a bit faster for medics (can jump onto the shed in valley)
-2nd point now has a ramp in front of it