
cp_Pall_Mall d10

there was a texture that was causing peoples games to crash. this update (hopefully) fixes that
-reduced blu's time by 2 minutes overall
-points take slightly longer to cap
-opened up the mcdonald's
-vapor lounge has a conveyer belt/push force
-elevator at A
-decorated A and blu spawn a bit more
-loudened some tracks
-embiggened some health packs
-fixed floating resupply lockers
-more secrets!
There's Nobody Here...

-(hopefully) fixed the music overlapping occasionally
-reduced the volume of a few tracks that were too loud
-3 new tracks! one of them is a vapor track that samples tupac ( fire), another is a fire beat, the third is an eccojams track (by request from a user)
-added more "medical marijuana" to the weed zone
-more health and ammo scattered around the map
-added no_entry signs to spawn entries
-fixed an area in first blu spawn that wasn't covered by func_respawnroom
-replaced a texture in blu forward spawn that didn't scale right
-removed a decal that had a missing texture
-minor detailing around 3rd point
same as d6 but re-uploading so it works on the bot
fixed the spawn points (but fr this time instead of the crappy solution in d5)
fixed the spawn points for blu (they were busted asf)
detailing mostly around spawn areas and 3rd point. new art by my friends and credits.
Reduced size of textures significantly, among other light changes.