Oh boy these next few updates are gonna be big so yah.
here we go
-New 2nd point 2nd stage
-Added forward spawn
-Increased HDR
-Added a ton of optimization
-Fixed clipping
-Changed some health pack and ammo packs
-Updated pictures
-Removed a one way door on 2nd point cap
-Added 1 sec on cap times
-Fixed navigation mesh
-Finally got cubmaps fully working
-Added block bullet in area
-Fixed stickies not sticking on one of the platforms
-Added a few more barrels
-Some layout changes
-Some visual changes
-Some health and ammo disable after 1st point is captured
-Added connectors for 3rd stage
-Added 2 custom textures
-Added a custom model
-Fixed players getting stuck in some brushes
-Fixed some light bleeding
-Fixed wires
-Made map had a more natural feel with dustbowl and hydro
-Fixed some props clipping
-Fixed some props fading to far away
-Fix some bugs/exploits
-Finally, added a little surprise near 2nd stage 2nd point
I do have my own edited version of the nav. I didn't get to pak it in so here it is. On my drop box, hope that's alright x3 (
Hope you enjoy this map, 5 days I stood up trying to fin it (with naps in between so lol)