
cp_minery a12

Oh boy these next few updates are gonna be big so yah.

here we go

-New 2nd point 2nd stage
-Added forward spawn
-Increased HDR
-Added a ton of optimization
-Fixed clipping
-Changed some health pack and ammo packs
-Updated pictures
-Removed a one way door on 2nd point cap
-Added 1 sec on cap times
-Fixed navigation mesh
-Finally got cubmaps fully working
-Added block bullet in area
-Fixed stickies not sticking on one of the platforms
-Added a few more barrels
-Some layout changes
-Some visual changes
-Some health and ammo disable after 1st point is captured
-Added connectors for 3rd stage
-Added 2 custom textures
-Added a custom model
-Fixed players getting stuck in some brushes
-Fixed some light bleeding
-Fixed wires
-Made map had a more natural feel with dustbowl and hydro
-Fixed some props clipping
-Fixed some props fading to far away
-Fix some bugs/exploits
-Finally, added a little surprise near 2nd stage 2nd point

I do have my own edited version of the nav. I didn't get to pak it in so here it is. On my drop box, hope that's alright x3 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/9fe9wafya2zp2jf/cp_minery_a12.nav?dl=1)

Hope you enjoy this map, 5 days I stood up trying to fin it (with naps in between so lol)
well last small update for this map, next one is going to be big. Depending on how the playtest goes.

Also First map I made with the new hammer so yay.

-Increased all timers by 1 sec (except first point-3,4,5,6 sec for points in order)
-Fixed Cube Maps(I hope)
-Reduce lighting on Red spawn in first stage
-Fixed props being in the wrong DXlevel
-Added some new props in stage 2
-Signs in red spawn change to blue when stage change
-Added New sign texture
-Fixed Some clipping
-Reduce phys-explosion on lamp
-Raised water level on drop down in stage 2
-Fixed particles for waterfall in stage 2 not working at times
-Tweaked HDR
-Disabled Collison on some props
-Added new entities for next big change
-Fix players getting stuck on area
-Fix some logic
-Fix displacements not being aliened
-Finally Tweaked bot navigation a bit

Not a big update sadly, hopefully the next play test gives more to offer other than my plans for what is up next! oh yah, if anything breaks let me know.
Hey what's new or change, well lets see.

-Added water in 2nd stage
-Did a better compile for lighting
-Fixed some lighting on props
-All cap times have been reduced to 3 sec
-Health and ammo completely changed for 1st point and around 2nd point
-Added No build near mining shacks
-Fixed clipping (being able to get out of the map)
-Fixed some reflections
-Ammo moved around
-Fixed Bot placements
-Fixed doors breaking
-2nd stage drop from spawn has a new health pack and water at the bottom to stop fall damage
-Fixed some props disappearing far away
-Fixed some props being able to move
-Lowered the color lighting
-Added more spawn points for blue
-Removed the one way and flipped the 2nd one way near first point on first stage
-Made movement easier in the pit
-Opened up one of the tunnel door ways
-Allowed players to get onto one of the roofs
-Lowered a few props
-Lowered lighting in the tunnels
-Added more detail
-Added more breakable barrels ;>
-Finally, Changed resupply locker location in red spawn on first stage

Hope this update makes gameplay better as well how the map feels.
Hello, Its been a long time. Well after 9 months in development, hope it was worth the wait. Cp_minery_a9 oh yah, well side note is that after this update. Im planning on updating the 2nd stage 2nd point of course after fixing any bugs with this version.

Also bots will work better but worse at times so that's a thing, I hope you guys enjoy !!!

Big Changes / Fixes
-First Cp changed completely
-Updated Pictures
-2 New flank routes
-Spawn Changed
-New lighting mechanics
-Bot helper support
-Red spawn on first stage updated
-Added Detail
-Fixed Brush work
-Updated Optimization
-Some changes in 2nd stage
-Raised clip roof in 1st stage
-Fixed Clipping
-Death Pit Deeper
-Minor detail effects
-Raised Roof in spawn
-Fix Props not working
-Made map more shiny (2007)
-Increased water fall sound
-Prop fade scale increased
-Fixed doors opening at wrong times
-Fixed getting stuck on the door
-Fixed Block bullet
-Added Cross Over Parts
-Fixed Cub map shine

There ya go hope you guys enjoy owo :0
Well This update is hopefully better. There no packed nav file atm since well I'm lazy xP but here are the changes


-Added more optimization
-Raised 2nd point, 2nd stage spawn door
-Raised Fence surrounding the 2nd point, 2nd stage
-Changed building levels
-Added another spawn exit at 2nd point, 2nd stage
-Fixed issue placing buildings in Red spawn 2nd stage
-opened up area surrounding 2nd point, 1st stage
-Fixed issue where bots trued to get through one way door
-Added white tile on the death counter sign
-Added more in depth details
-Clipped more areas
-Tweaked sun light
-Change cap times on all caps
-Added more time on cap on 1st point, 2nd stage
-Added more detail near last point 1st stage
-Blocked off way to top area near red spawn on first stage
-Fixed some collision
-Fixed some visleav issues
-Added Better lighting in red spawn 2nd stage
-Added more strong areas for blue in 1st stage, 2nd point

Hope you guys enjoy heh
yah a quick new update but just some fixes, plus I really want that overlay to be working XD


-Fixed missing cubemaps
-Fixed some floating props
-Fixed bots getting stuck in places
-Fixed bullet block
-Fixed some clipping
-Fixed the custom overlay
-Added more pictures
-updated pictures
-packed in nav file
-Added more signage
-Fixed some optimization

I believe that's it so I hope this is good even though its a small update. Hopefully I can get this map in the imp heh also I wanna say thanks to http://tf2maps.net/members/drsquishy.25882/ Dr squishy for taking the time and effort to go through my map and give me quality feed back. For that I will give a surprise next update heh
YAY, I'm back with the newest update to my map. Hope you guys enjoyed.


-Changed some health packs
-Fixed some clipping
-Added new stage
-Added some ammo
-Fixed signage
-Added death counter for death pit
-Fixed some cube maps
-Added more barrels
-Fixed textures
-Fixed brush work
-Added time messages
-Added more voice overlays
-Added custom overlay
-Fixed some wire clipping
-Fixed exploitable spot
-Added more in-depth outer areas
-Fixed props disappearing to early
-Fixed some optimization
-Fixed some collision props

Hope I didn't missed anything but yah also, I'm back baby heh(also images will be added next update)
Fixes and or changes

-Added more optimization
-Fixed some sightlines
-Open up the 2 path ways and rear path way near 1st pint
-Open up top path way
-Added some clipping
-Fixed some clipping
-Added / Fixed some lighting
-Added the 2ndstage connector
-Fixed some mismatching textures
-Made it better to see where health and ammo spawn in some areas
-Added some height variance in tunnel
-Added some more health and ammo packs
-Moved some health and ammo
-Added more detail I some places
-Added some displacements
-Fixed nodraw being seen in places
-Fixed places where players shouldn't be
-Added some out of bounds zones
-Aligned some props
-Added/fix some props
-Added some overlays
-Made yard smaller
-Added more signs
-Added some more detail in red spawn
-Fixed some buggy brushes
-Fix some brushwork
-Fix some textures
-Fixed some z-fighting
-Added more tracks
-Made the tunnels feel more of a mining facility
-Fix some places feeling very tight
-Raised the skybox
-Made tunnel to the right of first point higher

I know it doesn't seem a lot but these things take time but I hope you guys and gals enjoy

-Open up Blue spawn
-Added more detail in blue spawn
-Added more signs
-Moved and added health and ammo
-Better optimization
-Added a second death pit
-Fixed some clipping
-Fixed some brush work
-Added 2 more seconds on each cap time
-Moved some stuff on cap 1
-Added some lighting
-Fixed some lighting
-Added some patches
-Fixed a soundscape issue
-Added a skylight is spawn(I looked at dustbowls version and redid it on mine but with the displacements in different location)
-Removed so phys-boxes on some props
-Added more overlays
-Added a new route to last
-Fixed clip box feeling to low
-Fixed roof where someone could stand on
-Made death pit clip ox smaller making it harder to walk on edges
-Fixed some displacements in blue spawn
-Added some props under a clip brush to make it feel more real
-Fixed some texturing
-Aligned most of the map
-Fix sound not coming up in some areas
-Fix seam in displacement
-Smoothed out some areas
-Opened up some areas
-Made red spawn doors open faster
-Fixed some func_detail
-Fixed some z-fighting
-Made stairs a little bit steeper near cap 1
-Made some rope more jiggly

-Added new Route near first point
-Changed the First Point
-Added some overlays
-Added some props
-Change some lighting
-Fixed some clipping
-Fixed some Z-fighting
-Raised the roof clip
-Clipped some roofs
-Added some patches
-Fix some brush work
-Fix some textures
-Remove some health and ammo
-Change some health and ammo
-Added a health pack
-Up scaled the water texture
-Added more sounds
-Added 2 jump routes
-Open up some areas
-Fix issue when you can shoot through spawn door
-Added more detail in blue spawn
-Fixes dirt mound poking through the skybox
-Better optimization
-Added glass in are where you use to shoot through

Thanks for the bots and the few who help with this version