
Multi Stage CP_Bastion a7c

Redid some parts of the map completely, especially S2 last point and completely new S3. Hopefully its not too dull and I hope to see some cool gameplay.


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wrong title and download
Just made some changes to the main world. currently only first stage is active and running, others are still under work and will be updated once im fine with first stage.
Rebuild the first stage, so it feels more open while keeping the distance and gameplay fair for all sides.
This update was dedicated towards reworking second stage of the map, helping paths feel more natural and ease the play for both teams.


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New update. some changes made. too lazy to write info about the changes. Enjoy.
Made changes for the skybox, removing diaper box and implementing actual skybox to the map, now it should be able to effectively increase framerate. Ty
This is one of the biggest map changes so far, which includes first stage rework, first stage last point rework,
second stage first point update and third stage last point rework.

This update I will try show and explain all the changes done for this particular version, so lets start from the beginning:

First Stage:

1. Increased the size of the area around blue spawn and created more space for them to get around before first point. It was mainly done for more comfortable fighting, giving classes like scout, spy and sniper a better chance of surviving.

2. Added new highground for red on first point. Engineers struggled to place any sentries safely during battle without being destroyed in matter of seconds due to lack of spots to keep them defending the point. This also allows the red team in general to get ahold of this point more firmly, as it was captured most of the time in less than a minute of game time.

3. Balcony. This area is intended for both teams, either at the beginning for red defense or later a blue teams pushing spot. Balcony allows blue team to secure the zone for themselves to reduce the chance of red playing too aggressively. It is also strong area control for red if they do manage to hold it as long as they can.

4. First point corridor. While remaining mostly the same, the room got some big pillars to accommodate sightlines, give spies some cover and simply for looks. Also added some indicators to where points are indoors and outdoors

5. Tunnel. One of the paths for blue team to take when enterin second point area. Added some boxes, ammo and healthpack behind the boxes and changed the tunnel to a small room for better mobility.

6. Main path. This area was expanded, little cabin pushed away, added cover and reworked the inner area. This should avoid fights being onesided or having to fight in tight corridors while keeping the heat goin.

7. Side building. Rebuild so instead of most ground being low, I focused it on blue team having to retake this area if they want to get highground advantage later on. Also added a secret crate in the room :)
8. B point flank. Expanded the area and entrance was opened up to avoid camping from red side, allowing blue to effectively take it over when required.

9. Main path to B. Now increased to size of the highground by quite a bit and removing one side of the ramp to the point to increase space for capture point and red team. This is the main area of focus of teamfights, giving both teams an edge and multiple different paths. Added crates beneath the balcony for engineers to nest their sentries in, similar to badwater last point but not so much impossible to destroy.

Second Stage:

While it didnt receive many updates, there was still some changes made because of lack of people using specific routes was surprising, so I try giving them better visual of where to go.

1. First point gates. There 2 main changes done here: giving red a big highground leverage and making one of the blue routes walled. Idea here is that red never pushed for fights in this zone, even though they had leverage before, but now giving them unreachable highground may boost confidence in red to actually confront blue team head on. This forces blue team to push through so they can gain height advantage themselves before ascending onto first point.

Third Stage:

Similar to second stage, it didnt have many changes but the placement of the red team spawn and last point in general was redone the most, in hopes of not letting red team to easily defend everything.

1. First point. The path considerably more spacious, but this area will receive a full rework aswell due to lackluster gameplay and simply because I dont like how it looks. Design wise it should like massive big bastion or fortress so to speak, where it FEELS like you are barging into giant castle, but more industrial look to it. Now the door that leads to point B is a placeholder to a gate that will be in the future, aswell as the orientation of the whole point B area.

2. point B side path. The room received 2 more pillars. Before it was a tight corridor with too many areas to camp, but now there is enough to fit 6 heavies. the round staircase is also pushed more back.

3. Last point. It received most changes on third stage, which include widening the combat area, moving red spawn further away from point, Strong red defense positions and better visuals like signs and patches. before it was easily capture by blue even when red had a highground control, but red was unable to retaliate after blue managed to capture A point. This seems counterproductive, but this new spawn position should instead enable red team to gain control over both the point area and tunnels.

This is it for the update. Hopefully I will able to refine my ideas and gameplay so it feels natural and fun (Important note: FUN)

See ya next update


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Welp, this is the second version of the alpha, hopefully more successful of making promised design look more concrete. There wont be photos to see changes but it will be more obvious during map testing.

These are the major points in this update:

1. Remade the first stage first point area.
It used to have very long sightline and fights didnt feel as fair for many classes, so now the respawn for blue is on the other side, making it feel more close quarter combat and eliminating biggest sight line. Also made connection from both sides of the buildings for highground.

2. Complete rebuild of last stage first point and last point.
Reason mostly was that blue struggled to keep up to the last point due to enormous range they had to walk, but also because it didnt meet my expectations as Curvy ^bastion^. Now it looks veeeery curvy, but wether it feels good to play in general can be seen only during testing. Most areas will succumb to sizing up in the futurue, since players like big areas to fight in, instead of pub pushing points all the time.

Ty for playing this map
Created some more height variations, added more room to certain areas, moved props to more desirable positions and so on

Small update overall