
cp_airship _a1b

  • Removed Instagib gamemode because when people launch TF2, they expect to play TF2, not Quake
  • Adjusted sky texture and environment light to match ctf_tiftid_mc21_a2
  • Added health packs from ctf_tiftid_mc21_a2 (minus the ones at the "wings")

- Made a small logical upgrade; cap points should now always stop the teams' timers - previously if the timers were queued to restart from a previous point capture, they would still restart even if you capped a different point in the interim

  • Added a railing to cap B to idiot-proof the death pit
  • Renamed cap B from "the Underbelly" to "the Engine Room"
-You can no longer win the round by owning all three control points at any given time
-This was fully intentional but I didn't expect it to actually happen as often as it did

-You now reload twice as fast as normal instead of almost instantly
-This fixes an exploit where the Beggar's Bazooka could fire at insanely fast speeds since its clip is programmed differently to other weapons

-Instead of you being immune to bullet damage, you now take 75% less bullet damage and halved fire damage

-Removed the clipping above the former intel room