
Colors72 a1

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Colors72 a1

A small jailbreak map that is almost exclusively made out of solid colors.

A jailbreak map almost completely made of solid colors designed for the 72 hour jam

Currently contains the following minigames

Deathcrate - avoid the box that is currently breaking the sound barrier

Dodgeball - just like the game you played in 3rd grade gym class.

jumprope - just like the game you played in 2nd grade gym class.

sweeper - avoid the spinning bar, oh and the water too I guess.

Crush game - Stand on the correct color or you get crushed I think.

Jeopardy - This would be a cool minigame if wardens could think of a question other than "what year was tf2 released"

Vs sentry - Fight against the pure embodiment of evil and doom and death, the level 1 sentry gun.

Wall runners - Avoid the walls that move back and forth.

Box game - Avoid the box's that don't move back and forth but rather just straight down.

Wrecking ball - I always wondered what one would taste like.

Diner - I swear Cracker Barrel's are everywhere pretty sure they are a government scheme to spy on people while they eat copious amounts of food.

Obstacle Course - Kinda like that one game show wipeout but more lethal and no annoying announcer.

Wrecking ball and dodgeball require phys_pushscale 2000 to work properly, most jb servers set this automatically.
Semicolon Backslash
First release
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