
Coilblaze rc8


Ton of changes:

-removed interior from sheds and made them larger
-made central tank hollow and added some platforms up there
-remade right side choke into highground
-made the mid lobby area larger
-added ramps to get on top of the sheds

-opened up the walls a bit around the point
-redlocated some of the enterances
-made right side larger
-removed shutter from the left flank
-added some cover

-polished up the left side for less clunkyness
-redid main enterance
-made right side flank area larger
-removed third exit that led to the highground
-moved spawn exits a tad higher

-redid pickups
-added some more frontline assets
-minor detailing and displacement adjustments

-packed missing content
-moved shutter near 2nd and made it a larger slide door
-clipped ac units on mid shacks for easier movement
-made mid sheds less tall so scouts can get up top easier
-replaced sheds near 2nd with platforms
-uncollided and clipped all handrails
-added few lights
-minor alpha detailing
-changed name to "kalinka"
-added a few ramps that were missing in a1
-cleaned geometry a bit
-widened the ramp on the defending side to 2nd point
-added hazard stripes to the points
-cut down the sides of the little buildings at mid and replaced those with platforms
-changed lighting and skybox (frontline autumn + soviet theme)
-added small ammo under the point
-minor alpha detailing and props
-completed map into a playable state