-narrowed mid about 128 units on both sides by moving the side buildings and balconies towards the mid building
(due to this change, medics are now able to jump on to the mid building from the side building balconies with just thier base speed, previously needing to be healing a scout to achieve this. snipers are not able to jump up top)
-killed a bunch of nasty sightlines by reworking and adding cover around mid
-killed some more sightlines by adding, reworking cover, slightly reducing the width of the middle doorway from mid house to 2nd, and by moving the furthest entrance to last lobby lower
-made the top left valley flank/jump route jump classes only to prevent snipers using the spot
-chocked bottom right "secret" entrance more
-added a ramp to top left entrance for easier fallbacks post uber
-reworked the stairs leading to last from the middle main entrance slightly
-detailing and lighting improvements
-some very soviet concrete barriers
-UAZ vans