-Detailing improvements
-Stuff I already forgot about, nothing major was changed tho

-narrowed mid about 128 units on both sides by moving the side buildings and balconies towards the mid building
(due to this change, medics are now able to jump on to the mid building from the side building balconies with just thier base speed, previously needing to be healing a scout to achieve this. snipers are not able to jump up top)
-killed a bunch of nasty sightlines by reworking and adding cover around mid

-killed some more sightlines by adding, reworking cover, slightly reducing the width of the middle doorway from mid house to 2nd, and by moving the furthest entrance to last lobby lower
-made the top left valley flank/jump route jump classes only to prevent snipers using the spot

-chocked bottom right "secret" entrance more
-added a ramp to top left entrance for easier fallbacks post uber
-reworked the stairs leading to last from the middle main entrance slightly

-detailing and lighting improvements
-some very soviet concrete barriers
-UAZ vans
oops sound scripts missing

-rised the roof of the shutter shack and clipped it off as opening the shutter would cause players on the roof to get stuck on the func_door
-rotated the right most entrance to last lobby to kill a sightline and make the area more interesting to play around
-reworked the area near this entrace slightly to make movement a round the area smoother
-removed some unnecessary props
-clipping improvements

-resizing: reduced the length of last by 128hu and added 128hu to the lobby
-this should make lobby feel less claustrophobic and make attacking last easier
-reworked the pillar/pipes near the left entance slightly
-removed the crates on the lower floor of last
-extended the walls between spawn and the point so players need to walk further out of spawn to contest the point
-reduced the capture time from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds
-moved the crate back againts the wall on right entrance to last and swapped the small ammo on its place
-lobby ceiling lifted drasticly to allow more room to jump around
-reworked the crates on the right side entrance to lobby for smoother movement
-clipping improvements

-some optimization
-a couple of new signs around the map and visual improvements

-reworked left side to make it more viable as a rollout to mid and to add more visibility of enemies pushing/flanking through there
-buffed the small health kit on the left on mid house to a medium, matching the rightside
-medics can use the new structure on left to reach mid roofs when beamed with scouts
-added a ramp to the left side from lowground
-lifted up and extended the balcony to make it more viable for contesting highground
-clipped a spot that allowed all 9 classes to jump on top of mid roofs

-added a new highground behind 2nd accessible from valley, this should allow for easier jumps onto the defending team
-blocked off the dead space corner on the left when entering valley from mid
-lifted the bridge building above valley higher so jumpers are less likely to bump into it
-enlarged the middle entrance to 2nd from mid
-cleaned up unneccessary objects so jumpers are less likely to bump into something mid air
-enlarged the door from valley to the point and opened up the window above the door

-dropdown be gone! replaced dropdown with a lower entrance to last
-reworked right entrance to last to allow more cover for attackers from snipers holding far back
-rised the ceiling drasticly, jumpers should have a better time highbombing now
-closed the window on the middle entrance to give attackers a bit better element of surprise when trying to sac through
-removed the door facing to the left from the middle entrance

-replaced clunky model rubble pile with displacements for smoother movement

-rised the right side enterance from mid to 2nd slightly to make it more viable for both attacking 2nd and contesting mid
-this also removed some unnecessary height variation inside mid house.

-all sort of small texture and detail tweaks
-replaced some custom content with ingame textures
-added a few upgraded posters by Square!

-added more clipping to prevent wall-bugging
-finishing touches to detailing

Workshop release!

-added a small health pack on both sides of mid
-minor detail tweaks

-added a small health pack behind the metal cover
-replaced the small stairs leading towards point with displacements for smoother movement

-minor detail tweaks


-redesigned the left entrance to mid to make it more fun to play around and to make it easier to spot flankers trying to flank through
-got rid of stairs leading up from lowground to the left
-widened catwalks around the point slightly
-replaced brush awning with a smaller prop on top of the lowground entrance
-clipping improvements

-clipped roof on red side valley
-made the wall with invis wall on top of it slightly taller
-general clipping improvements

-made right side mid lobby better for splash damage
-general clipping improvements

-detail and skybox improvements

-fixed players getting stuck on rubble pile

-cleaned up balcony, removing unnecessary props
-widened the ramp to balcony
-remade displacements on valley
-added more clipping to prevent players abusing wall bug on valley

-added nobuild on the capturepoint plate
-turned fences on upper left into brushwork to make area less visaully noisy and improve splash damage
-prevented players completely from capturing last while standing on the stairs behind the point
-thinned stairs behind point slightly

-custom capturepoint holograms!
-bunch of detailing
-couple more spectator cameras
-new better 3D skybox
-a record player now plays Katozky Kick in spawns