
Cavethingy a6

- Changes to A
- Added windows to Blu spawn
- Added more props / cover around spawn courtyard​
- Changes to B
- Reworked side entrance from terminal room into cave
- Added tunnel going under Red balcony leading up onto the balcony
- Added one-way door from Red balcony into right cave entrance route
- Adjusted health and ammo pickups​
- Increased cap time to 20 sec and 6 sec (from 5 sec and 3 sec)
- Removed clip brushes on top of the bridge at A
- Expanded the room between the train and the cave (now calling this the console room)
- Added a raised platform extending out from the console room's left exit to help Blu push out into the cave
- Platform includes medium healthpack and ammopack
- Red can access this platform via a new room near the spawn exit on their right​
- Expanded the cave and moved point B back
- Added a small bit of space behind the point
- Opened up the building housing Red's left spawn exit into a raised platform for defense​
- Added more areaportals because optimization was bad
  • Remade blu spawn (now with 60% less sightlines)
  • Changed cliff balcony near A into a tower with an upper area and a lower passageway
  • Increased the width of the station room and added a staircase up to the new tower
  • Increased the width of the room between the station and cave and added a lower entrance into the cave
  • Added a medium health pack to the left flank room
  • Players standing near the waterfall will now be pushed slowly toward the edge
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed engineers to build inside of red spawn
  • Blocked off a sightline into Blu spawn
  • Slight changes to props / geometry in train station area
  • Widened area around B and decreased the size of ammo packs in the area
  • Reworked the right exit of Red spawn
  • Added areaportals
  • Removed sightlines around A and within blu spawnroom
  • Added doors blocking flank route to B that unlock after A is captured
  • Made some alterations to the train station room, mainly the balcony next to the point
  • Expanded B and added some more cover
  • Adjusted capture times for both points
  • Shortened respawn times for both teams