changes to map philosophy: now exits to middle for both teams are dropdowns, this should reduce spawn camping and direct players to points since now all routes available from mid take you to objectives and only after going trough objective you can get to enemy spawn(unless you are soldier or demoman).
During playtesting people suggested making route connecting 2 starting points but i don't think it will work good since it will make map more maze-like, one complain i heard about cp_standin is that there is too much routes and it makes people be everywhere, i'm trying to avoid overspreading-out since this gamemode already spreads players out enough. it also will conflict with another philosophical part of this maps layout, the area betwen 2 starting points should strongly favor the team that respawns there, here's a map of what i mean:
the blue strongly favors blu and red strongly favors red, in theory this should make deffending easier and allows teams to drop just 1 engineer on point to deffend it, while the rest of the team is attacking. everything out of those red and blue shapes is supposed to be neutral or favor attackers positioning themselfs there more than defenders.
another experiment is healthkits, there are plenty at mid but scarce near mid.
another suggestion was to make a middle point, and have this gamemode be 5cp instead of 4. The rason why it's 4cp is because i found that on cp_standin(again) a lot of people where just blindly going to mid after respawning, i wanted to try and avoid this issue but i think it's unavoidable since people turn their brain off when playing games. For now mid is a hub from wich you can go to any capture point.