Ballad 2

Ballad 2 a3b

This patch resolves an issue with missing materials.
  • Added more signs to direct players to important locations
  • Improved lighting
  • Fixed a bug where the "no entry" brush at the vault doors would not appear
  • Adjusted the layout of the spawnrooms to make the ramp to the upper level more obvious
  • Decreased the speed of the vault doors after they have been fully opened
  • Decreased the return time of the Australium from 15 seconds to 10 seconds
  • After the Australium has been captured, players will not be able to pick it up again until the vault doors have fully closed
  • Fixed a bug where players could stop the vault doors from closing
  • Fixed a bug where the dispenser beam would heal and give ammo without the presence of the flag carrier
  • Fixed an egregious error that caused BLU players to respawn significantly faster than RED players
  • Added walls to discourage players from taking the Australium and rocket-jumping/sticky-jumping directly to the vault
  • Added dynamic lights to indicate when the vault doors are closing
  • Adjusted floors and ceilings for more height variation
  • Adjusted the speed of the vault doors, they now take 20 seconds to open instead of 15 seconds