Ascension (heavy W.I.P.)

Ascension (heavy W.I.P.) 1.0

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Ascension (heavy W.I.P.) 1.0

My first ever attempt at creating a (playable) TF2 map.

Version 1.0

A small little Q&A:

What is this?
This is my first ever attempt at creating a playable map for TF2 in the hammer editor. Ascension‘s a King of the Hill map, and like it's name suggests, you are mostly walking skywards to reach the cap point. The spawnrooms are the lowest points of the map, and the cap point is the highest.

How far along is it?
As of the time of posting this map, most if not all the gameplay elements and layout has been finished. It is still lacking a lot of detail. I'm uploading it to receive some feedback, to improve the map further and see what needs to be added. Basically, it's an alpha-beta hybrid, if you can call it that.

Please note that this is a W.I.P., meaning that it still has a lot of polishing and testing to be done.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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