
Artillery b2a

-reduced red respawn time on A
-redesigned A forward hold to be slightly more defensible for red, and to not encourage them to overextend as much
-added some geometry on A point to cover sightlines, slightly improving defensibility
-improved ammo accessibility on A point

red should hopefully be able to hold this point now lmao

-added an additional entrance to the A->B connector lobby, giving A a highground position to push into this area from.
-increased red respawn wave times on B point.
-redesigned the entire B point
-removed entire underground / behind the point flank area, as it was going largely unused and was a bit confusing
-redesigned the left entrance to no longer be a heavily lowground entrance for blu, as this felt awful to enter the point via
-removed the slide doors on the right entrance to the point
-reduced the height of red teams high ground on this point
-reduced the range of rotation values available to the AA gun, it should be in a position where it can be walked on far more often now.
A lot of changes designed to hopefully help focus the gameplay of the map. Overall these changes should lead to more fast paced, close range combat as many engagement ranges across the map have been shortened.

-narrowed the entire area before A point by about 600hu, removing the most out of the way route for blu as blu were feeling very spread out on this point.
-narrowed B point by pulling in the cliff side area of the point, again that route was very out of the way for blu and this will make the map hopefully more active
-constricted the area under B point, this area was pretty much just a large open space before, now it feels more like 3 distinct areas enabling more close ranged combat
-adjusted some pickups around the map
-small detailing changes around A point to make it less noisy.
-fixed the awesome dirt pillar
-shortened the highground window in A->B connector to make it less abusable for red team.
-redesigned A point highground area & the warehouse flank - This should make attacking red's hold on A feel much less one dimensional.
-changed geometry around the A point lobby area, as this area felt like dead mans land before and now is a much more reasonable place to approach the point from as BLU
-reduced blu team respawn wave time on point A
-reduced cap time on A point

-redesigned A->B connector, narrowing it and slightly moving where BLU teams entrances to it are, as players were largely only using one of the entrances to B since the other two were far away from their entrances to this connector.
-changed some geometry on the entrances to B point
-reduced red teams respawn wave time on B point
-increased cap time on B point.
minor detailing and geometry changes around A point
lighting changes to make the map less dark overall.
minor respawn wave time adjustments on B
slightly reduced ammo availability for red on B
added a pesky walkway to stop demomen jumping directly from blu spawn to A
improved Blu's highground option on B
started some minor texturing around A.
small adjustments, more sightlines dealt with and signage added.

again slightly reduced the length of the map, finally brining it more in line with other 2cp a/d map's sizes
This update aims to give blu some more meaningful options to attack A point, as well as reducing the openness of point B slightly to give shorter ranged classes more play, and make flanking completely behind red team without them knowing less trivial.

-shortened distance between blu spawn and A by about 250hu
-blocked / obscured some sightlines onto A point
-reduced the visible range of sightlines down the road on the way to A point
-themed BLU teams initial spawn
-added an additional route beside A point leading to behind the Red teams hold - giving red team an additional angle they must watch
-adjusted the geometry on the motorway support beam thingy next to A, it can now be stood on and may serve as a good rally point for the BLU team to push onto the point from
-increased red respawn wave timer by 1 second, reduced blu respawn wave timer by 1 second
-slight geometry changes in the A-> B connector, the high ground room now has windows out onto the connector making it more enticing for red team to control this room, and more important for blu to take control.
- added extra geometry on the point to block sightlines from red's main highground to some of the flanks blu team has access to on B point
-closed off the A->B underground route, instead making the low ground entrance more covered from sightlines so it can now be used to go to the underground section of point B more safely. This should make it less confusing for red team when blu players use the underground section to flank.
-increased the capture time of point B by 1 second.
-simplified geometry in some places.
Pondered on the map and have made some changes to things i wasnt totally happy with.

Moved blu's forward spawn to be slightly behind A point rather than next to it
Shortened and redesigned the A-> B connector, should be more intuitive
Created a large OOB deathpit along the side of the map, allowing for more themeing
I stopped compiling the map with hdr when hdr isnt set up in the map