b4 released added new upper flank route out of last near top of hill reduced last cap point time (now 2s from 3s) additional detailing, with significantly more around last
b3 released added new flank around last adjusted height of center exit out from last adjusted cover around hill near last/2nd additional detailing work
b2 released adjusted cover near 2nd adjusted health/ammo pickups near 2nd minor adjustments to respawn times added more details steamed hams
b1 released welcome to BETA revised upper flank around mid and 2nd (again) added some additional detailing changed some lighting locations/props outside
a7 released added stairs added light props and effects added soundscapes added new radial fog for skybox removed flank route that was introduced in a6 beta will likely be the next version
a6 released intial artpass finished added new flank near connector between mid and 2nd
a5 released intial artpass started expanded ramp room near 2nd added pickups in said ramp room
seymour! the house is on fire! a4 released added out of bounds area added 3d skybox redid last
not in utica a3 released replaced fence between mid and 2nd with solid wall with perch area rethemed map (now more green!) added new trees (thanks @Stiffy360 !) remade area around 2nd added some playerclip around some doorways adjusted spawn times to be more forgiving for team with less control points
-uhhh upstate new york? a2 redid last point removed confusing signs outside of 1st forward spawn probably other minor things?