
Watergate 2015-10-12

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L1: Registered
Jan 19, 2015
this map is awesome! we've been playing it a lot recently on j2 and we're really liking it. is it still under development?


Feb 14, 2010
this map is awesome! we've been playing it a lot recently on j2 and we're really liking it. is it still under development?

Yeah it is, bakscratch and I plan to work on it a bit and pump out a new version sometime soon. It was worth waiting a while since the last version since it cleared my head and I can see what next to do with the map. :thumbup1:


L1: Registered
Jan 19, 2015
Yeah it is, bakscratch and I plan to work on it a bit and pump out a new version sometime soon. It was worth waiting a while since the last version since it cleared my head and I can see what next to do with the map. :thumbup1:

that's great! I can't wait to see what's next :D


Feb 14, 2010
After playing the map a bit today I think adding a capture zone for each team to cash in their money for points could help give the map more focus and structure. Plus it would give engies something to do by defending it.

Yeah it's a decent idea I think, but there is a weird part where say you are depositing your 20 bounty into your base, an enemy player comes up and kills you, he doesn't have to deposit the cores to get the points, he instantly gets the points! This idea would work better if it were like headhunter mode from Halo where picking up the cash adds to your bounty total also, and each death just adds to the cumulative pile of money going around the map (in halo's case it was skulls).

The plan (and what I'll hopefully test soon, like tonight) is having the top person on each team illuminated to the rest of their team through walls and stuff. Also have sprite icons above players heads to show their killstreak total, and similar to pd_egan_72 players at killstreak 5 get a buff, killstreak 10 a further buff. In this case killstreak 5 = +60% max health, killstreak 10 = +60% max health and anyone on your team within 450 units of you gain an additional +60% max health. So if you get two hwg ks 10s next to each other they'll both be visible to their team through walls (assuming that's the highest rank on the team), and both will have like 1150 max health.

Changes meant to solve three problems in the map:
1. Loss of player focus, no objectives. Hopefully solved by showing teammates their teams' highest risk.
2. Hard to tell how tough your enemy is that you're fighting. Solved by the markers above their head.
3. Players with lots of cores/bounty have no reason to ever leave spawn. Hopefully solved by the buff effects.

I do worry it might be too complicated. But I'd like to test it first.
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Feb 14, 2010
I've updated it to b7a which is around-final I think. There is some polishing in the details still to be done; the finale animation isn't totally awesome yet, but all the things that affect gameplay and readability should be in place for the time being. I've updated the download and the screenshots, download includes the map and plugin with all required extensions and the sourcecode.

Change log:
b7a (may 14th, 2015):
changed some detail to improve flow
made LODs for a few existing models
fixed a lot of perch spots on the pillars with clips
added skybox animations for the ufo entering/leaving the map
added finale animation and sounds
added animations for differing amounts of ufo-drunkness

b6p (march 27th, 2015):
changed the gamemode
added a new route from the bottom exit of spawn that leads to bottom of tower sewer
changed some of the connectors to be more open and dynamic
cleaned up detail
improved fps all over the map

Also here's a video if you haven't seen the updated gameplay.


Feb 14, 2010
I've released an update to the download which removes unnecessarily included extensions from the previous release (sdkhooks & sdktools). I'd suggest that anyone who installed the older version ensure that their sdkhooks & sdktools extension files are in sync with their sourcemod version. If they aren't correct it could cause issues unrelated to the plugin (sorry). I've also updated the instruction text file to include relevant plugin convars.

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Feb 14, 2010
We've updated the map to version pd_watergate_b9c!

The changelog is on imgur here: https://imgur.com/a/HubXQ

Mainly the changes were to the gameplay: new route giving genuine use to the sewer area/spawn exit; ability to block deposits meaning focus moves to the beam during captures (finales more exciting); the tractor beam lift trigger is now a swim trigger allowing better movement control (especially on high ping) and makes combat feel more fair; and the beer-deposit speeds changing dynamically depending on player count which makes the full server rounds feel good all the way through.

This update will require you to update the plugin as well as the map. The plugin is available for download here: http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=6194

The update requires that you replace the existing 'gamedata', 'plugins', and 'config' folders within the addons/sourcemod/ directory, and also the config file located at 'cfg/sourcemod/killstreak_rewards.cfg' before use.


Feb 14, 2010
So Watergate is probably at a finished state unless something catastrophic happens and something needs fixing.

Latest Download: http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=6194
RC2 Changelog: https://imgur.com/a/3E4cz

History Album: https://imgur.com/a/Yq1PF

Workshop Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=456016898

Here's some more unlisted secret cool exclusive developer videos:
Initial gamemode Video
Path not found Video
Bug fixing spawn core teleporting Video
Old finale with the barrel launch Video
A shitty promo vid I ended up scrapping Video
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May 18, 2014
There is an exploit on this map that gets you out of the map to grief on. Please fix it
He can't fix it, the map is now officially owned by valve, if there's a bug, then it's valve's business.


Feb 14, 2010
It seems consistent that the HUD timer for the UFO doesn't show up the first time you load the map, but if you go to another server or 'retry' your current server that the timer will show up and will continue to for all subsequent servers (just not the first one). I've reported to valve in the meantime.


Few more zeros and ones for the site to proccess
Dec 21, 2014
This map doesn't even work for me.