VBCT - Valve Batch Compile Tool

VBCT - Excellent or Bad

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(s2a) yahodahan

L3: Member
Apr 22, 2009
good point. that would be like...like, tying my shoes for anything other than a Level 9.5 Event. unwarranted use of overkill.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Really the only reason I see to use VBCT is being able to monitor the status of the compile. Every other thing about it I don't like.

Plus, if your processor is powerful enough, (dual core helps), You'll be able to monitor its progress in Hammer anyway, as it compiles with relatively more ease.

If you're running a decent system this seems somewhat redundant.

I don't usually get this problem unless i've used the computer previously to do something else, that has eaten up a whole load of memory i forgot to free up before starting a compile.


L1: Registered
Jun 21, 2009
I've been using VBCT since about March and I love it. Yes, it does use the same executables.

One tip I have for you: for a fast bsp-only-style compile, or even bsp+LDR rad, it's ideal to keep TF2 minimised in the taskbar, run the compile (without vis, and using the -fast button) on VBCT and then task back into TF2. It's kept my workflow very solid indeed. However, if you're doing proper, full or final compiles, you'll probably need to close TF2 because I've found that it tends to crash vrad with an unspecified error at the very end of a full or final compile. Sometimes, anyway (but not always).

That's only because VBCT automatically runs the compilers at "Below Normal" priority, which you can do via the task manager regardless of how you started the compile. Not to mention all the compilers have -low and -high flags to specific their priority.

Really the only reason I see to use VBCT is being able to monitor the status of the compile. Every other thing about it I don't like.

Frankly VBCT's 'ugliness' is really a weird thing for people to take issue with: it has a clean interface, is completely lag-free, works almost instantly out-of-the-box. Do we really need some shiny windows skin with alpha-transparency to round off the edges of the tool?

With Hammer, it's impossible ever to be _quite_ sure that the compile hasn't crashed and you're just watching your computer mindlessly crunch data. Certainly back in the days when I didn't know what a sensible portals number was and desperately needed to func_detail a few things, it was horrible that Hammer would lag the heck out of my computer and the status of the actual compile wasn't even clear. Now that my vvis stage is pretty quick it's not such an issue.

I tried playing with process priorities in the task manager for Hammer and it doesn't always work; and when it does work, it doesn't work well. VBCT requires no such tinkering, and I can close Hammer entirely and watch a TV show or a movie while my compile is happily chugging away in VBCT.

VBCT also gives you precisely the same tools log output when you use it, so there's no loss of information should you encounter errors.

Furthermore, because it simply batches Valve's included compile tools, it'll never go out of date; it's as trustworthy as the real thing; and you can be sure that you're not losing 'something special' that Hammer should be giving you.

Furthermore, it's listed on Valve's own wiki: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Batch_Compile_Tool

I suggest you use it!

*edit:* Note: There should be a poll option that says, 'My existing choice for all compiling'!
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A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Frankly VBCT's 'ugliness' is really a weird thing for people to take issue with

With Hammer, it's impossible ever to be _quite_ sure that the compile hasn't crashed and you're just watching your computer mindlessly crunch data.

Furthermore, because it simply batches Valve's included compile tools, it'll never go out of date; it's as trustworthy as the real thing; and you can be sure that you're not losing 'something special' that Hammer should be giving you.

Furthermore, it's listed on Valve's own wiki: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Batch_Compile_Tool

I suggest you use it!
To respond in order:
I never said anything about "ugly". As I said, it's the hardcoded stuff I don't like. I want to be able to run at BSPZIP to the end of the compile automatically. Something I could do with batches/nem's and now only can do with Hammer because VBCT is lame and has no open-ended fill-in-the-blank options.

It's entirely possible to know if the compile is still running. If the exe is listed in the task manager, and it's still using cpu cycles, it's still running. If it crashes or freezes it will either be missing or at 0%.

All third party compile managers use valve's tools, so that's a moot point. And the only custom compile tools themselves are usually better than valve's. (though that's yet to really show up yet, since valve has been updating the source engine so fast and repeatedly.)

By definition, a wiki can be edited by anyone. It doesn't mean valve is endorsing it or anything, it's just a resource site.

I'll use it (and I do), when I feel like it. The shortcut is sitting next to the SDK one, I just take issue with it being so damn unfriendly to advanced users for the sake of what amounts to nothing more than monitoring the compile nicely.

Open Blade

L420: High Member
Nov 30, 2007
I've thought about using one of these newer programs but honestly, after 5 hours of straight Hammer work, when I finally do decide to run a compile, it doesn't hurt me to get up and leave the PC for an hour and go do something else (play with dogs, eat, light weights, etc..). I guess if you're somebody who wants to compile all the time, then this would be great. But I probably run a compile every few days and that's it. No need to change a single light and then go see how it looks :p


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Mar 31, 2009
I like it for it's cancel button plain and simple. I cant tell you how many times I forgot to tick a visgroup like the skybox and have to wait for the compiler to stop in Hammer.

No need to change a single light and then go see how it looks :p

well aren't we Mr.Perfectionist :p


L6: Sharp Member
May 31, 2009


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
No need to change a single light and then go see how it looks :p

Well, that's what the cordon tool is for. Why waste time compiling your whole map if you know it works, and you only wanna check this one light. ;)


I am inactive and make horrible maps
Oct 29, 2008
I'm sticking with Hammer, my Compiles usually takes <5 minutes anyway.
Maybe 15minutes for a final compile.


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
Super bumpage. Is there anyway to send launch options to the game executable through this? I want to be able to compile and launch TF2 with -makedevshot through VBCT.


L420: High Member
Dec 21, 2008
click advanced options, and click the little arrow in the bottom right corner will bring up command string lines. I think thats where you put them.


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
Nope. You can only add commands for VIS, RAD, and BSP.


Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
It needs a way to launch an arbitrary post-compile command which just happens to default to launching the game. For example, I have a script that does the bspzip tasks.


L10: Glamorous Member
May 4, 2008
-makedevshot what is that?

Anyhow I just found out that you can check a box for static lighting, so no more typing special commands and going into advanced options in hammer?


Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
Fearlezz, you know those recent Valve "evolution of viaduct" videos? Devshots. (It's probably part of their workflow.)

Myself I don't use them, simply because most of the time I want a picture it is because I just changed something, and want to show it off, meaning I probably want to change the camera angle too.