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PL pl_flatlands afinal Reupload


L3: Member
May 20, 2016
pl_flatlands - Continuing my first map.

"Here's a touchin' story, Once upon a time" I joined TF2maps. I was new to everything I didn't know how everything worked. This group had many events that tested everyone's maps and contributed to TF2 and the Steam Community, and it was great. So I decided to make my first map, a payload, pl_detextured. Things did not go right when it was uploaded, no screenshots, no lighting, various leaks. And I took the good time to fix it and test it at IMP. It was, in two words, Not Good, bad in fact. There were many gameplay issues and it turned out very buggy. So I made a new map off of that pl_not_eotl, a joke map. Turned out to be even worse, chaotic, and not worth testing as seen in a few IMP's. So I decided to get everything together, and make something that was more serious, not like the last two maps and to use Hammer to remaster my first map. So here it is, pl_flatlands, flat with a flat brush but is still under development, now with screenshots. Thanks for the criticism given to this map concept, and big thanks to all of you. Sorry I messed up. "The end."


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
I know the name is "flatlands", but your map really can't be flat, as it is right now. It seems your whole map is made on one singular brush as the ground, which doesn't turn out good. Make the ground a couple 512x512 power 3 displacements, and make some cool hills and slopes that the track can go up. You can try doing something like having the cart progressing up through out the map, to what ends up happening is the attaching feels like they are progressing through something, instead of just a flat map. So the final point would end up being higher than the beginning. Look at a map like Upward, where you have a couple small flat areas, but other than that, you have hills, stairs, and different height levels to stand on.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 11, 2016
Make the ground a couple 512x512 power 3 displacements

You could do that but I would make them power 2 at least for now because power 3 (for me) are a pain in the ass to work with. But yes please make all your natural lands and textures displacements because you can have some easy height variation and completely flat natural grass just looks odd.


L6: Sharp Member
Mar 17, 2016
I had the same story, exept my first 2 maps were VERY small, but based off of each other. I never uploaded my first map (which was an attack/defend) at the time because I didn't know TF2Maps there. :D Good luck! (and to me)


L1: Registered
Nov 28, 2015
Seems to be a good map, keep it up.
This is a story of a man named env_duck. He made a really tiny map. It was too small. The end.


L3: Member
May 20, 2016
This version has added a few improvements and will be tested.
Added buildings and brushes at first to prevent open areas.
Changed Blues second door exit.
The cap lights now light up.
Added a cave the cart passes through at first.
Changed a handful of brushes into func_detail.
More lighting.
Fixed floating trees.
Added details inside the last point.
Added props close to second.

Read the rest of this update entry...


L6: Sharp Member
Mar 17, 2016
Can I have your vmf? I'm just gonna play with some things, that's it. Not gonna publish it, just showcase pictures. I'll credit you, too, if this becomes a new thread. :)

I'll also give you tips and tricks to improve on detailing, once you get on beta.

  • Watch Crash's Detailing Glassworks. It can help you see an example of detailing from Crash's view. But I just look at this video every day to get an idea of detailing.
  • See pictures of the Detailing Mini-Contests. This gets you some ideas on pictures. Like, distant hills!
  • Fog. 3D Skybox. Mountains. They make the map look BIGGER, and not like you're in some weird place that cuts off it's displacement, like CC, even if it's in beta. I wish they could update it. Also, don't end the ground with a skybox, like CC (Cactus Canyon my god). Make the map a place. I would feel good in the water in my map, cp_snowforest_b2.
Happy mapping! Oh yeah, so can I have your vmf? :)

:overlaytool:<-- Overlay Tool :brushtool:<-- Block Tool :vertexmanip:<-- Vertex :faceedittool:<-- Face Edit Sheet :clippingtool:<-- Clipping :decaltool:<-- Decal will help you. :entitytool: and entities.

EDIT: Find a tutorial on how to make these. just search for example, How to make a [what you want to make]

Other examples:
How to create fog
How to make a 3D Skybox
*You can see Crash's detailing video to do that. Distant mountains? In the 3D Skybox. Scale 3D Skybox textures, make it match with the theme. Or else that mountain texture will be big!


Feb 5, 2016
Height variations and cool paths wouldn't hurt. I did my very first map back in February. Overscaled mess. Actually ripping some if it's original layout for remastered.