New Indie Shooter MMO: Firefall


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I don't like the contrast between cell shaded characters and the semi-realistic environment. Also i'd expect if the characters were cell shaded that anything dynamic would follow the same theme, like vehicles and user consoles that upgrade your gear, but they're not.

It does look like a good game, but as YM already said, the whole "free" aspect is a worry. I mean, i know Alien Swarm was free, but this feels like a whole different deal. An MMO no less, which would require constant updating in order to increase replayability.


L420: High Member
Apr 19, 2009
I don't think the free is much of a worry at all. Yes, there will be micro-transactions, though I feel that it will be similar to something more like Battlefield Heroes than something else in regards to the fact that yes, it could help you level up a tad quicker, and maybe give you hats, though it isn't much of a worry in that regard.

Micro-Transaction games have been gaining increasing popularity as they expand out of Asian MMOs and into other game types and styles from other places around the world. I quite like this because it's really a kick in the balls for big scary publishing companies like EA and Activision who are bullying smaller game developers to market their games at $100 and the second it is released, make a sequal instead of actually putting more work into improving and adding onto the actual game itself, something the publishers don't get any reward out of. If this succeeds then i'm sure that this game will continue to develop, maybe in a similar way to TF2, years after it has been released and prove to those smaller developers that they don't have to fit into the norm.

This is similar for other developers such as mojang, who from out of nowhere, created a huge game and said stuff you to the publishers and released it themselves. They're also going with the micro-transactions in their next game, scrolls, further showing the power of this new payment method.

I think that this whole phase of paying for games (either through indie developers or micro-transactions or other, outside the box ideas) is a positive step into a new way people not only pay for, but also play their games, the way that they personally want the game to be played.
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Duke Silas

L1: Registered
Jan 29, 2011
Micro-Transaction games have been gaining increasing popularity as they expand out of Asian MMOs and into other game types and styles from other places around the world.

That is a good point considering Red5 are backed by Chinese investment. $60 million dollars is the figure I read somewhere! It's due for release towards the end of 2011 in the US & Europe, followed by China it appears.

I'm speculating that the micro-payments will allow for cosmetic changes, similar to TF2, perhaps allowing you to change the look of your characters, maybe adding your clan colours or badges and the such like. Time will tell. There's certainly a big interest in this game around the world mind.


Jan 6, 2008
I wouldn't worry about it being free. If MapleStory can keep going all these years, so can this.

It's looking like a great game that I might invest quite a lot of time in. I doubt it'll be able to hold my attention for too long, but it seems rather enjoyable.


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
After watching the videos that Silas posted, I say that it looks interesting. It's borrowing a lot of things from other games, but it's making them work together to create one awesome shooter. I like the idea of TF2/Gears of War gameplay in a WoW-style battlegrounds (in that you can enter a queue as an individual or an army/party, and that it takes place in a secluded map). Then I like how you can gain experience not just from missions, but also from fighting in battlegrounds, because in WoW, you only get honor points to buy gear from them. Of course, I guess that's what experience does in Firefall, so it's really essentially taking away level progression and replacing it entirely with gear progression, which is something else I like. It gets rid of the problem where a level 5 person would be destroyed by a level 10 person; it gives them a fighting chance, and increases the supply of compatible matches for battlegrounds. Another thing I like, after seeing a full-fledged pvp match in action, is the art style. I'd seen it before, but it seemed much more alive then. It's just so purdy!


Nov 1, 2009


Finisher of Maps
Oct 29, 2010
Woah, this looks awesome, Is it all third person?


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Huh, i thought i made a post in this thread before i went to bed last night. Must have forgot to "send" it. Anyway, i've been keeping an eye on this game, especially a lot more recently; been wondering when it was reaching open beta, i guess here's my answer.

Definately after an invite. Since they'll be limited initially, it might be wise only to invite people you know will play it rather than those who are "um'ing and "er'ing" and just want to see it; at least at first.


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 4, 2009
I'm gonna bump the thread again because the first wave of beta invites are supposedly going out on tuesday. So, last chance to sign up for a possible beta key.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
I really want this game to be as good as it looks.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
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