I propose an Arctic Theme Pack

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Distinction in Applied Carving
Feb 22, 2014
I just recolored in GIMP :|

Also, is it just me, or is half the people here like: "bleh! It's terrible, get rid of it!"
And the other half is like: "Sick! I love it! Put it in the pack!"

Not one person has told you to get rid of it. All I've seen is feedback and suggestions, none of which you seem to have taken. Are you only looking for compliments?


Aug 6, 2014
Not one person has told you to get rid of it. All I've seen is feedback and suggestions, none of which you seem to have taken. Are you only looking for compliments?

I didn't mean that literally.
I meant half of the people are REALLY critical, and the other half REALLY love it.
And, honestly, here's what you said needs to be fixed:
-Improved gradient
-Better color scheme
-Change sun area
-Fix clouds

(In other words, everything)

By that point I should just scrap it and try again.


L6: Sharp Member
May 31, 2014
unless you don't have the files you used to make it, I don't see why it's impossible to just fix what you already have.


Aug 6, 2014
unless you don't have the files you used to make it, I don't see why it's impossible to just fix what you already have.

Because there isn't anything that I did RIGHT according to some people.

I can handle negative criticism, I just can't handle being told that it's all wrong, because at that point that's being told that I faile.


L6: Sharp Member
May 31, 2014
Because there isn't anything that I did RIGHT according to some people.

I can handle negative criticism, I just can't handle being told that it's all wrong, because at that point that's being told that I faile.

No-one told you that there isn't anything you did right.
No-one's saying you've failed.
I don't see anyone else producing a skybox like that, so I don't get why, with some effort, you can't do it.


Aug 6, 2014
No-one told you that there isn't anything you did right.
No-one's saying you've failed.
I don't see anyone else producing a skybox like that, so I don't get why, with some effort, you can't do it.

Why does everyone take what I say in the most literal way possible?
Nobody SAID I did nothing right, but if you list a whole bunch of downsides and not once point out something that was done right, that's not exactly encouraging.
Nobody SAID I failed, and I didn't say anyone did. I'm saying I TAKE it as failure, if there are so many things wrong with it and there is nothing I did right that is worth pointing out.

In summary, Killohurtz's version of criticism is not compatible with the way I take criticism. He puts it right to the point and gets everything that needs to be fixed.

I prefer when people say: "oh this is something nice" first, so that I have something to contrast the downsides with. Basically, imagine you're a kid who has a meal he doesn't like. You can deal with it, and you know it's better in the end, but you're still gonna need a sip of milk every so often to get it down, otherwise it makes the experience all the worse.


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013
Why does everyone take what I say in the most literal way possible?
Nobody SAID I did nothing right, but if you list a whole bunch of downsides and not once point out something that was done right, that's not exactly encouraging.
That's content creation for you, no matter how much you fit to people's needs, you're not going to please everyone. What's important is you make something YOU want that accomplishes YOUR goals, the goal of feedback is to help accomplish YOUR goals, not redefine what YOUR goals should be

Nobody SAID I failed, and I didn't say anyone did. I'm saying I TAKE it as failure, if there are so many things wrong with it and there is nothing I did right that is worth pointing out.
People never point stuff that's right, unfortunately.
In summary, Killohurtz's version of criticism is not compatible with the way I take criticism. He puts it right to the point and gets everything that needs to be fixed.
Take it as anything that doesn't get feedback as being good. I'm working on something getting 0 feedback and all the advice is "it's fun" and naturally i'm just wishing someone would get to the point.
I prefer when people say: "oh this is something nice" first, so that I have something to contrast the downsides with. Basically, imagine you're a kid who has a meal he doesn't like. You can deal with it, and you know it's better in the end, but you're still gonna need a sip of milk every so often to get it down, otherwise it makes the experience all the worse.
The analogy doesn't work, you're comparing a finished product (The burger) to something you're still working on, if you were still working on the recipe, i'd probs say "add more salt," or whatever, everything else you'd keep the same but there's no need to say that, it's implied.

Hq, you're one of the most enjoyable up and comers to watch develop on this site who always wants to contribute and work on stuff, but you need to re-evaluate how you take feedback. None of the veterans in the industry got far without hearing what they did wrong in their product, if you can take this on board with your next projects i'd definitely be excited to see them.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
unless you don't have the files you used to make it, I don't see why it's impossible to just fix what you already have.
Well, it's an edit of a stock texture, so it's quite possible that he genuinely doesn't have the skill to make the changes people are suggesting. It does look like he just took the brush and traced over the clouds and then stuck a gradient behind it.

Funnily enough, looking at the original, it seems like something more arctic-themed could possibly be made out of it by just adjusting the colors in some way. Hard to say. I tried it myself just now, but I couldn't get the clouds to be that right shade of blue without over-saturating the clouds. Maybe there's a way to adjust the contrast's ... curve? Like say something with more visible color to it gets more color still, while stuff that's closer to gray stays that way? I don't know my way around Photoshop's fancy adjustment tools.


Sep 1, 2013


An edit of sky_gravel, yeah. Side by side, it seems to lack the definition that the stock texture has, probably lost some amount of the little details when recoloring it. Like if you look right where the sun is on the stock texture you can see the color transitions are much crisper.
Much more knowledgeable people have said better words already, but to my eyes the transitions between the blues and grays make the grey sections much more noticeably flat (probably exactly what someone has already said, just in different words). So, soft transitions away from the sun, sharper transitions closer to the sun are a starting point.


Aug 6, 2014
The analogy doesn't work, you're comparing a finished product (The burger) to something you're still working on, if you were still working on the recipe, i'd probs say "add more salt," or whatever, everything else you'd keep the same but there's no need to say that, it's implied.

Hq, you're one of the most enjoyable up and comers to watch develop on this site who always wants to contribute and work on stuff, but you need to re-evaluate how you take feedback. None of the veterans in the industry got far without hearing what they did wrong in their product, if you can take this on board with your next projects i'd definitely be excited to see them.
I actually meant for the finished project to be finishing the meal.

Look, In the simplest way I can put it: I need to know what I'm doing right to keep going. Even in the map FEEDBACK system, there is occasionally someone who says: "oh I like this keep it" and even if there is so much as one of those, I can keep trucking along the worst of maps :)


Distinction in Applied Carving
Feb 22, 2014
Why does everyone take what I say in the most literal way possible?
Nobody SAID I did nothing right, but if you list a whole bunch of downsides and not once point out something that was done right, that's not exactly encouraging.
Nobody SAID I failed, and I didn't say anyone did. I'm saying I TAKE it as failure, if there are so many things wrong with it and there is nothing I did right that is worth pointing out.

In summary, Killohurtz's version of criticism is not compatible with the way I take criticism. He puts it right to the point and gets everything that needs to be fixed.

I prefer when people say: "oh this is something nice" first, so that I have something to contrast the downsides with. Basically, imagine you're a kid who has a meal he doesn't like. You can deal with it, and you know it's better in the end, but you're still gonna need a sip of milk every so often to get it down, otherwise it makes the experience all the worse.

I'm sorry if that's not the kind of feedback you prefer, but when I criticize something, I pick it apart and tell you exactly what I think could be improved because I care to see it improve. I don't do it to tear you down, HQ, I do it so you can make the best damn content you possibly can.


Aug 6, 2014
I'm sorry if that's not the kind of feedback you prefer, but when I criticize something, I pick it apart and tell you exactly what I think could be improved because I care to see it improve. I don't do it to tear you down, HQ, I do it so you can make the best damn content you possibly can.

Well, whenever I give feedback, I like to tell a person what should stay and what should go. It's the way I've received feedback in the past, and it's the way I learned to give it.

So, clearly we have found a difference in our personalities.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Well, whenever I give feedback, I like to tell a person what should stay and what should go. It's the way I've received feedback in the past, and it's the way I learned to give it.

So, clearly we have found a difference in our personalities.

You'll very rarely find that people will give feedback like that in the real world. I'm going to be the 'old man' card here and say that you should learn how to take other forms of feedback. Learning how to do so now, rather than later will help you SO MUCH in the long run.


Jul 31, 2009
I prefer when people say: "oh this is something nice" first, so that I have something to contrast the downsides with. Basically, imagine you're a kid who has a meal he doesn't like. You can deal with it, and you know it's better in the end, but you're still gonna need a sip of milk every so often to get it down, otherwise it makes the experience all the worse.

Telling people what they did right doesn't help improve the product. If you ask for feedback on how to improve stuff, people aren't going to tell you what doesn't need improving. Assume that the stuff people don't talk about is good to them, because otherwise they'd talk about it. then work on the stuff people think needs improving.


Dec 6, 2014
No. We are not starting that conversation about getting feedback all over again.

Back on topic, everybody.

Speaking of trains in snow: we need a snow blower on rails thing.

You know, like this one:


And these oversized leaf blowers as well:

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L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 23, 2013
I have a bunch of nature sounds (birds, foxes, etc) that I'm using for my L4D2 project set in the snow. I'm certainly willing to share that **** with people who are looking for additional arctic nature sounds.


Dec 6, 2014
I have a bunch of nature sounds (birds, foxes, etc) that I'm using for my L4D2 project set in the snow. I'm certainly willing to share that **** with people who are looking for additional arctic nature sounds.

Yes please. Anything's welcome.
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