
KotH flake a11


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 18, 2008




Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
I like.


Feb 26, 2008
The metal girder'd buildings look more like MOMA installations than buildings. Why would they be placed in that arrangement? on the exterior? Rest of map looks like it's coming along okay though. Maybe change that concrete surface to a blendmat disp w/ the reddish ground in the background, show accumulation of dust in cracks etc


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 18, 2008
let's just call them storage units :p I'm working on having them make some more sense but I don't think it's too bad at the moment.

I'll be adding dust in later stages, just kindof feeling out where to go with this.




Last edited:
Mar 20, 2012
Hmm. I am going to take a good guess on what the map is.

It's a prison? Eh? Eh? "Storage" units. Searchlights. Inescapable concrete cliff of doom? Perfect prison.

I don't know, but I do like the tall focal building.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Those grey ibeams look horrendous. Also why are some of them at weird angles? TF2 aesthetics never do that. Metal stuff is always neat and uniform, the wooden stuff is more mismatched and patchy.

The cliffs also look too uniform. There are so many steps to them... is this from a reference picture? Because it looks way off from something natural. I'll assume the tops are flat because you just havn't got around to that yet, but personally i'd have larger and fewer cliff segments.

The shadow grouping to smooth the shadow transition on the building in the middle-back actually looks more odd than nice, but i'm not sure whether it's because i'm not used to seeing that in Source or whether it's because it should actually have a hard transition. Shadows on structure edges like that really are hard and it probably should be left that way.

The use of the metal door texture for the fencing is also pretty repetitive, is that because it's a place holder? It would probably be OK just to have it used on the pieces around the CP, but you should mix it up in other areas of the map in future.

Final bit of criticism is that the spotlights during daytime look... not right.


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 18, 2008
There's only a singe beam at a slight angle though... and i kinda love how they look actually, my main problem with it is that they might seem a little out of place but I love the way they look personally.

I'm still working on the cliffs will probably redo most of them anyway.

I never grouped the shadow on the building, I think it's the fast compile that causes the odd shadowing.

Think spotlights are fine during daytime, it's not nighttime but it's not noon either, will have to think about it.


L1: Registered
Jun 28, 2012
I've been checking out all the entries and I think it is safe to say that this is my favorite one as far as looks/aesthetics go. Keep up the good work yo! :)
Aug 23, 2008
Hey pugged this for 6v6 tonight. The pug fell apart due to team imbalance, as one of the captains made some pretty odd picks.

Demo: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3492731/spacesaver/20120721-0611-koth_flake_a5.dem

A couple of things I noticed.

1) Seems like you have a similar problem to geiger. The upper area is incredibly strong, so much so that it really neutralizes all other aspects of the map. Holding up top seemed like the ultimate strat and there doesn't seem to be much to do other than push up through the narrow ramp and bully them off the upper area. It also seems like demo can hold that area very well, and can set up some nasty sticky traps (the grates you are using for that curved wall allow splash damage through, which means a demo can sit up behind the fence and anyone walking in gets detted upon without any way to shoot the stickies).

I feel like you need to either lower that back area, or raise up some significant area on the other side in order to make sure combat is more balanced across the map, offering players the chance to get up high without having to walk or jump into a very safe hold.

2) Obviously you've been keeping sniper sightlines in mind, but I think you may have overdone it. Those metal walls that you have scattered everywhere really seem to hamper combat throughout the map. It felt like a lot of times we would just sit around somewhere, completely safe from any sort of long ranged attack. The enemy team would have to either jump into us up top, or walk onto the point in order to initiate an engagement, and then we could just jump on them and destroy them. I think you need to rethink how you have those walls set up, maybe adjust some of them to allow certain spam lines.

3) The buildings are incredibly small. They do give you some sort of flank access, but I feel like the chokey nature of them makes it very difficult to see how you would properly use them. Also, not a huge fan of the look. They appear very blunt and rectangular, without having the hallmarks of the sort of venting or electrical structure that they seem to want to be. I guess you could tinker around with stuff on top of them, but I'm really not sure how that would all work out.

4) The health seems very very sparse in this map. With how the upper area is set up, you obviously don't want to put much health on or near there, but I think that is a problem with the height set up more than anything. The medium seems like its in a very hard and out of the way place to get to, and it seems very dangerous to try for it, given how chokey that whole area is.

5) Spawn feels odd. Having the spawn area be SO high up there made coming out of spawn feel weird. I get that its meant to be an anti spawn camping mechanic, blocking sightlines and so forth, but its still weird. Also, I feel like the chokes out to the combat space are a bit to narrow. Feels like you could get spammed out pretty easily by a single soldier without any room to dodge.