
CTF Coffeeville a15


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Originally Inspired by a level from Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, CTF_Coffeeville is my attempt to design a ctf map that fixes the things I don't like about ctf maps. I have attempted to even out turtling as well as spawn camping. This is done by including multiple paths too and from the intel as well as specifically placed resupply lockers and a big use of vertical gameplay. Please let me know what you think!

Video for Alpha 3:

Video for Alpha 4:

Video for Alpha 6:

Video for Alpha 7:

Video for Alpha 8:

Video for Alpha 9 & 10:

Video for Alpha 13:

Video for Alpha 14:
Last edited:


Mar 1, 2010
Ran around it a bit for you.

I think it's an interesting layout, and I've always been a fan of smaller scaled CTF. I do think you have some interesting geometry, and there are a lot of fun places to fight, but it does feel a bit convoluted. There were a few times where I'd look at an area and it'd take me a bit to figure out how to get there. You have a lot of nice height variation, but it just feels a bit messy now.

Hard to say how it'll play though, I honestly don't have that good of an eye for CTF layouts (never made one myself, and I can't say I play the mode that often anymore). Get it in a gameday or an imp! That's always the best way to tell. Get some nerds running around on it.

Some nit-picks:

You missed packing a few things


This lane feels a bit OP. Sniper has a ton of cover and is way sunk back in a safe area.


Not sure how often that lane would get used though, so it might not be a big deal.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Ran around it a bit for you.

I think it's an interesting layout, and I've always been a fan of smaller scaled CTF. I do think you have some interesting geometry, and there are a lot of fun places to fight, but it does feel a bit convoluted. There were a few times where I'd look at an area and it'd take me a bit to figure out how to get there. You have a lot of nice height variation, but it just feels a bit messy now.

Hard to say how it'll play though, I honestly don't have that good of an eye for CTF layouts (never made one myself, and I can't say I play the mode that often anymore). Get it in a gameday or an imp! That's always the best way to tell. Get some nerds running around on it.

Some nit-picks:

You missed packing a few things

This lane feels a bit OP. Sniper has a ton of cover and is way sunk back in a safe area.

Not sure how often that lane would get used though, so it might not be a big deal.

Missed files should be fixed now. I've had a heck of a time getting the texture for the bed to work and it's the only bed model I can find. I may have to do without. I'm sorry to read that you find the map confusing, do you remember which places you had a hard time getting to?

Also it's true that that particular sniper sightline is pretty powerful but there are other paths to take to get around a sniper in that position, at least that's the hope. I've requested to have the map added to the next gameday and hopefully I'll be able to get some solid feedback.


Mar 1, 2010
No where strikes me as exceptionally bad, I just think things could get streamlined a bit.

I'd swap out that Gordon Freeman orange texture, too, as it creates a ton of visual noise and makes your already busy geometry that much busier.

Just nit-picks, getting it played is the real test.

Dr. Sasha

L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 5, 2013
Just a nit-pick, but you really should just make the entire terrain one main texture, instead of two attributing to the team's colour scheme. It's very unrealistic.

Overall, nice height variation and geometry.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Alpha 4 is now live. Few things have been changed up in this version with the biggest one being the location of the intel. I moved the intel away from spawn a bit into a back vault that will hopefully not ruin the maps flow. I should be able to get a vid out going over the changes tomorrow.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Alpha 5 is now live. While the feedback system glitched for my map during the Gameday last week, I was thankfully in game when the map was on the server. I worked on changing up some of the things I remembered people talking about. This version attempts to fix 2 things people talked about

1. The map is too big!
2. I don't see many other people while running around the map!

To try and fix these, I made the overall map smaller and reverted the bases to a design that is similar to it's original design. The new base design hopefully keeps the original idea while also providing more cover and accessibility to players grabbing the intel. I'm trying to design the bases to be a little bit anti turtle making it harder to turtle the intel and causing teams to have to work together to both get the intel as well as defend the intel. Please let me know what you think.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Alpha 6 is now uploaded.
In this version I redid many parts of the map such as mid, spawns, and capture zone. The main hope in these changes are to funnel players into the same area more often so they will see each other more often.

I'm also still trying to find a good intel room layout. I've redone the intel room like 4 times now and hopefully I've finally got something I can work off of without having to completely redo it again.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Alpha 7 is now live

People seemed to enjoy Alpha 6 so I'm locking down it's basic layout so I don't have to remake intel room for the billionth time.

I made sure to address all the issues given in today's U.S. Gameday. I worked on everthing that wasn't intentional, then made some areas look nice with props n such cause the map was missing a level of fancy it had not yet seen before. Alpha 7's changelog is the largest one I've done so far.

I may make a video for a7 as well but after a6's vid.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Another week goes by, another update gets posted. Did some minimum optimization along with minor detailing and fixed most if not all of the feedback issues I got from last weeks GameDay test. Biggest thing is the addition of a bridge to help connect mid to the upper side path next to the intel room. I'm not sure I'll keep this so let me know what you think about it.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Huge update for coffeeville as I game it a first time optimization pass. That means a proper skybox, areaportals, hints and skips. Have yet to mess with fading props and some areas of the map still need to be optimized. I've also removed the small and awkward stair path between the bridge side buildings, and added stairs from those buildings to the hotel balcony area. Also opened up doorways more and attempted to lower fall damage risk. Most high areas can be walked off of without any fall damage, but you will receive damage if you jump off of them.