

L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 16, 2009
CTF_BAYOU is a capture the flag attack/defense map set in the new swamp theme by Andrea "Chaopsychochick" Gibson.


BLU : Take the intelligence to each of the four points.

RED : Prevent BLU from bringing intelligence to each point, RED can stand on the point to prevent captures.

Thanks to:
Mark "Shmitz" Major for the Intel Stand model
Alex "Rexy" Kreeger for the Intel Doors under B
Acumen ( for the life savers
All the testers at and Calculated Chaos for their help in testing my map
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L3: Member
Jul 15, 2009
gaahh you beat me. I'm working on a swamp map too and was hoping to be the first to release one. I'll download and have a look around.

this leaves the version of corporate i looked at in the dust. I haven't seen the updated version of that yet. Only a few concerns.
-the windows in the first blue spawn are a little strange. I though they would disappear when setup ended like in rampage devforts. perhaps replace them with bulletproof glass
-players shouldn't really be able to see out to the sides of the skybox. In this case, you can see the far edge of the water. I'd suggest cutting off the view of this or maybe make a shore on the far side. Just something to keep the player from seeing that he's on a floating block of water.
-the resupply cabinet in the first red spawn area is separated from the wall
-the intelligence is too low to the ground. On one of the points (i think the third one) it was actually intersecting with the cap base.

I actually have questions for you now lol. What kind of water is that and how did you make it? Is it cheap water or regular? is it one giant water brush with displacements sticking out of it or is it multiple brushes? I'm making water like that for my new map but I'm still trying to figure out the best way to go about it.

I like this map, it has a lot of potential and makes great use of the new swamp pack (especially the jetties)
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L420: High Member
Mar 15, 2009
Fullbright aside I actually really like how this looks. Pretty good given the short amount of time you've made this in! I'm impressed. I like how you mix buildings and swampy areas.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 16, 2009

Thanks for the feedback, I can fix the windows and intel. Also, I am gonna work on the skybox and all of that once I make sure the game play is solid. I am glad you like it, and I do have to agree that I like this one much better than corporate.

As for the water, I don't know whether or not it is cheap or not, I still don't know much about it. Though atm it is just a single brush for the entire map with displacements coming out of it. The water texture is the swamp water that came with the swamp pack.

Also, it doesn't make use of the jetties that came with the swamp pack, at least... Not yet, I will likely want to do something with them given how I have the docks and BLU spawn being a river boat.

Evang, it isn't fullbright, at least it shouldn't be. o_O

Did you get fullbright from DLing it? And if so, was your mat_fullbright set to 1?

Regardless, thanks! I am glad you like it. :)
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Sep 10, 2008
Your geometry seems properly lighted, but your models are all fullbright. What gives?

You might have a leak, or some obstruction in your skybox.


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
The first point looks really open and thankfully there's not much sniper-sniper action going on, but I think that snipers will have their fair share of playtime over here. The first cap can be rather easily guarded by red with around 2 sentries on the balcony.

Unfortunately I haven't gotten far enough as blu after that. But as red, the path to point A seems pretty long during setup time. You may consider making a forward spawn. On the last point, the red spawn room had invisible walls behind doors, I think someone mentioned to you about that on gameday already.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 16, 2009
Fairly large update to a3, see change logs.

Please test it out and tell me what ya think!


L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 16, 2009
a4 is now up. I don't have new screen shots yet, still need to do that. But I think I fixed a lot of the massive issues plaguing a3. PLEASE check it out and let me know what you think!


-in a daze-
Jun 19, 2009
Here's those pics I took of the blue spawn buildable area:




L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009

Thanks for stopping by yesterday. We definately had some good matches. You did some great things with the geometry in some of those buildings and once everyone learned the map, we all were having a good time.

You were in more matches then I was so I'll keep this short. Looking forward to the next version.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 16, 2009
Updated to a5, also updated screenshots.

What do you all think of the changes? In particular to the balance of each of the points, I am going to be doing a bunch of revamps to C next, so if anyone has any thoughts on issues regarding the sunken mansion. PLEASE let me know so I can get them in. :)


L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2009
a5 was the first one I played, but I enjoyed it a lot. It's a really fun map. I love the sinking building (C). Keep it up.


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
I forgot which version was the last one I played with, but this one is much better imo.

The last point was kinda hard to capture since there's basically one path to the final point. Good sentry placement makes the last point really hard to capture.

For the first two points it's relatively easy in comparison, especially when the first point is capped, the second is almost capped immediately afterwards.

The first forward spawn for blu will need more signs that tells the players where to head to (even though it's located right at the first point).


Alignment issues:

A bumpy walk:

The slope is not touching the ground: (another angle)


L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 16, 2009
PenPen, is the fact that the last point is hard and the first ones are easy is bad thing? Or do you just think they are a bit too much to that extreme?

Thanks for the alignment stuff, I will be sure to fix that! Although for the rooftop, between A and B, that is just a prop that I used so I really can't do anything to change that. :/


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
I think the last one was too hard. There should be a difficulty curve in capping, but the last point was very hard.

I think I might've worded wrongly since I don't think the first point is super easy to cap. I just think that the second point is easily captured once the first one was capped.

For the rooftop maybe you can make a playerclip above the prop?


L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 16, 2009
Oh to fix the bumpy while running.. Yeah I can totally do that! Good idea, thanks!

Also for making B harder, do you think that I should get rid of the easy access to the second floor of the treehouse from the roof. Get rid of the platform connecting them and what not? Make it so it is just a battlement and not access, as I think that was the way that people got in to the point so easily. Of course I will try and do some other revisions to make B harder, and D easier. :)


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
Oh to fix the bumpy while running.. Yeah I can totally do that! Good idea, thanks!

Also for making B harder, do you think that I should get rid of the easy access to the second floor of the treehouse from the roof. Get rid of the platform connecting them and what not? Make it so it is just a battlement and not access, as I think that was the way that people got in to the point so easily. Of course I will try and do some other revisions to make B harder, and D easier. :)

You can try taking out the ladder path from the roof, yeah.

I think for B, blu can attack from all angles since there's 4 entrances for blu. And if red is defending B, once blu clears the area red would take a longer time to reach to B, and instead they can reinforce C during that time. It's mostly theory but that's what I think anyway.


L5: Dapper Member
May 11, 2009
Hey, I added you on Steam, but to no avail. Would it be possible for you to send me a .vmf of the entities in your map?

I know how to fix my fix for the 4 point CTF, but I need to see how you did it, because I want to A) Test it, B) See if you did what I'm about to do and it's failed at some point.

After I'm done I can either send back the entities in a .vmf or just tell you which entities to add which outputs/inputs to.