
Texture Adobe 2015-08-29


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Expanses into the southern hemisphere have lead TF Industries to discover a new material for use in building, heating, and top secret concealing!

We've heard the local inhabitants refer to it as "adobe." And from that, we've come to the realization that the material is capable of many artistic things, so we will give you, the customer, a set of adobe for your very own top secret concealing!

Offer limited to northern hemisphere, all orders to southern hemisphere locations will instead be replaced with a letter informing you to look outside. We know you already have enough of it.

Void's Texturefest 2010

A set of Adobe materials as requested by purequaternion.

Seventeenth of many Texturefest 2010 uploads.


L12: Fabulous Member
Aug 14, 2009
How much Content-Aware filling was used in this material?


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008

I don't see where that can be used, rea-

Wait, is that a joke on the name?

You sly dog.


L12: Fabulous Member
Aug 14, 2009
Because he can and we clearly need more threads


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
There really isn't anything special about this texture, or the last few you've felt the need to create a thread for. Why not just make a big thread with all the stuff you've made?

This way, he can get more thanks, because thanks are oh so valuable and important. :rolleyes:


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Nine, stop that.

Getting thanks is only a side effect of Texturefest. The main reason I started Texturefest? Its in the first post of the thread itself.

I'm feeling generous right now. That's why I'm starting this. I have no idea how long it will go on, but I'll try my hardest to do it for longer than one day. I now have access to Photoshop CS5 and a Wacom Tablet, so I'm ready to roll.

I'm doing this out of kindness and boredom. You've all seen how Texturefest has begun to stress me out and distract me from other mapping work. You've heard me complain. But what do I do? I keep making textures.

Its like an unpaying job at this point. To manage Texturefest and the several Artpass commissions I get, but I keep going. It makes the clients happy.

So the least you can do is drop a comment or - as said to be the only reason behind Texturefest - a thanks, and not take your time to say "these textures aren't anything special" or something along those lines.

Its like the oh-so-often argument about updates to Team Fortress 2 or the Left 4 Dead series. All of this work I've done is free, people. And the reasoning for separate threads is so there is ease of access to specific textures, and not just one thread to browse through.

If I will ever do a full-release of all content for Texturefest in one place, it won't be until its over. And at this rate, I still don't know when that will be.
Jan 20, 2010
I'm confused, why does it matter? He can do what he wants and, since they are all different textures, it makes sense for them to be different threads.


There really isn't anything special about this texture, or the last few you've felt the need to create a thread for.

That is an opinion you need to keep to yourself.


L420: High Member
Sep 2, 2008
I'm confused, why does it matter? He can do what he wants and, since they are all different textures, it makes sense for them to be different threads.


That is an opinion you need to keep to yourself.

Is it? I never said the texture was bad, but there really isn't anything amazing about it.

Textures like these really work well in a pack, rather than by itself.
Jan 20, 2010
It is a pack, comes with nine textures.

Also, why are you taking such issue with this. Seems so inane.
Nov 14, 2009
I respectfully disagree with you joshuac. There are numerous reasons why these should be individual threads:
1: People want their textures now. They dont want to wait for a pack to come out at the end of the month
2: This is a pack of related textures. Does it make sense to have nucleur waste, adobe walls, and roofing in the same thread? No.
3: There has been plenty of non amazing stuff posted here that no one has complained about
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Sep 1, 2009
Hurray now I can wrap my spy in this magic material and disappear!


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
He's not taking issue, he's just defending his opinion.

Honestly, i wish people would stop taking to saying that somethings "such a big deal" when someone defends themselves, it's only a discussion, not the end of the world. After all, the last time i checked this was a forum.

edit: and Void, maybe people would be less likely to retort and question the legitimacy of your "Thanks" if you weren't so keen to point out "Hey Nine, i've over taken your thanks count" or "Hey Political, i'm catching up to your thanks count" like it was a popularity contest. If you're gonna make a fuss about it, so is everyone else.
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Apr 19, 2009
Ugh another thread pushed to the brink because people don't like what other people are saying...

What do I say to that? Grow a god dam spine Void and stop letting people who have "different opinions" get you mad just so they can laugh at you behind your back. I mean for god sake is JoshuaC! Who in the grand seam of things has little influence over you and yet you let him have it.

This not only goes for Void but other people too. As a community mappers are very protective of their work and love it when people hold it up as the next great thing. But as soon as someone else says "this is not so great" they are jumped on and made the villain even when they may be right. You could say that this goes for almost every community but with TF2M its different because we are the creators.

If I am trying to get anything across its that we need to stop taking "different opinions" as something to fear but rather confront them with something like: "I will take that up for consideration." However, if ultimately you don't do and the person asks why: "I gave it some thought and I decided not to because I want to keep consistency."

Hopefully by then the person will see that its not worth pushing it in light of a possibly shitstrom.

My guess this post will just be glanced over in and not be taken seriously in the slightest. So I guess this thread would be better off if a mod just removed the posts and started fresh. *sigh*