A few issues to fix


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 8, 2017
Greetings, I am back with a few more questions. cp_chateau_event is almost ready to go into B2, although at this point it's probably closer to RC1. Before I progress, there are few things I would like and/or need to sort out.


1. Is there anyway to make these control points not fullbright? Both the RED and BLU skins (not the uncapped version) always glow in fullbright. This isn't a cubemap issues, those are packed and literally every other reflective surface works. I've tinkered with the settings and nothing seems to make them pretty.


2. How would I go about removing those bright lines where the water meets the wall?

3. How do I release a map with a navmesh? Using CompilePal to pack the navmesh into the bsp creates a map that crashes your game. So I generated the navmesh separately and now I've got the nav as a separate file. How do I stick this thing in the bsp so that people only have to download a single file?

4. This map is a reskin of cp_steel. Last compile, the bridges that extend outwards when point c is capped stopped working. I've never messed with the bridges at all, save for changing the textures a long time ago, so this is confusing to me. I checked, the logic is all good, and the handrails work as normal. The brush entities that make up the bridge just sit there, unmoving. Any ideas on what's going on?


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
Check the logic that happens once C is capped (in the point and bridges), see if you've got any outputs not working. In terms of the navmesh crashing games, it may have some areas that are broken for some reason. Regenerate it and try manually editing it to remove extremely tight areas or ones that you don't want the bots to access, such as next to stairs or into out of bounds areas, and see if that works


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 8, 2017
Check the logic that happens once C is capped (in the point and bridges), see if you've got any outputs not working. In terms of the navmesh crashing games, it may have some areas that are broken for some reason. Regenerate it and try manually editing it to remove extremely tight areas or ones that you don't want the bots to access, such as next to stairs or into out of bounds areas, and see if that works

I've checked the logic, all the inputs and outputs match. When I compare it alongside cp_steel, there is literally no difference. Of course, that's in hammer. Is there any way to actually check to see what the logic is doing in-game? Apart from, you know, just seeing that something isn't moving.

As for the navmesh, I examined it, and it pretty much goes exactly where I expected it to with no odd areas or glitches that I could find. I'm fairly certain the navmesh itself is fine, my question is how to stick it inside the bsp. Or, if I kept them separate and stuck both the nav file and the bsp in a zipped folder, would it work as any other map downloaded from either the workshop or during a play-test session?


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
You can check what logic is occuring ingame by typing in 'Developer 2' into the console. Also, try doing 'ent_fire point_b_bridge close' to check if the bridge works. If it does, take a look at the entity 'cap_c_add_time' to check if that is working properly, it controls all the events on the point's cap including the bridges.


Feb 5, 2016
afaik something with the nav packing causes the crash, at least on compilepal, not sure for manual nav packing


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 8, 2017
You can check what logic is occuring ingame by typing in 'Developer 2' into the console. Also, try doing 'ent_fire point_b_bridge close' to check if the bridge works. If it does, take a look at the entity 'cap_c_add_time' to check if that is working properly, it controls all the events on the point's cap including the bridges.

Thanks, that was exactly it. The issue was that it was missing its input. No idea how it got deleted, but now it's back. One more question, none of the func_doors will play their stop sounds. All of these sounds will play within hammer, and the start sounds will play, but never the stops. Is this a known issue?


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
One more question, none of the func_doors will play their stop sounds. All of these sounds will play within hammer, and the start sounds will play, but never the stops. Is this a known issue?
Are you sure? I tested it on Steel earlier and the stop sound does play (only at the very end though, and it is rather quiet ingame, and after the bridges have fully stopped moving)


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 8, 2017
Are you sure? I tested it on Steel earlier and the stop sound does play (only at the very end though, and it is rather quiet ingame, and after the bridges have fully stopped moving)

Yep, all of the doors are silent when stopping. I did some testing on steel as well. I'm not sure about the bridges, but the doors between point B and C also don't play their stop sounds. They do have them, I checked the vmf, so I'm not sure why they don't work. The ones by point A do, however. My current theory is that if a door stops when it is completely enclosed within a brush, the stop sound doesn't play, because that is the one thing consistent with every working and silent-stopping door in both these maps. I'm going to test this now...

*edit* Nope, didn't work. That would've been too easy. After doing some testing here's the results:

All of the func_doors on cp_steel and my map have open and close sounds. None of them are set to be silent.

On cp_steel, the all the point A doors have working sounds, the B-C doors only make open sounds and the bridges only make closing sounds.

On my map, none of the func_doors make closing sounds, except the bridges, which like steel, only make noise when they close.

Someone please enlighten me as to what madness this is!
Last edited:


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 8, 2017
Anyone know why some doors don't use stop and start sounds correctly? It also applies to rotating doors as well.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 8, 2017
Bumping this because the first two issues still haven't been solved. I've given up on the door sounds, just using ambient generics now, and I've got the navmesh and bridge issues sorted out.

Any thoughts on how to make the cap point properly lit and how to remove the annoying lines where the water meets the wall? If it's unavoidable just let me know.


Feb 5, 2016
Use info_lighting to change the origin of the cap's lighting. Simply place the info_lighting above it, give it a name then set it as the lighting origin in the prop's properties. It should work as it overrides the prop's origin (which is bright) with the properly lit one.


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
issue #2,
So, here's what's happening. The refraction is pushing and pulling what you see in different directions, this is problematic when water hits walls because then it will try to pull from behind the wall. This is why you are getting the solid water fog color, the refraction is pulling from the void. I've had to face this issue in koth_occult. My solution was to back every displaced walls with tools/black so that it would refract that instead of the void. if you're going to attempt this, you'd likely need to turn your walls into displacements (or func_detail which might do the trick but you need to make sure you're set up so tools/black renders behind your func_detail, meaning no brush is allowed to touch) then, add a second layer of walls textured with tools/black. Also the water brush should extend beyond the visible wall, all the way to the black brushes. That way the water refraction won't be pulling from the void and will pull from your tools/black instead. The issue is likely still going to be somewhat visible, but it will be much less noticeable and more natural looking as it won't be this deep blue.

So that's a hack and a half, but it's all I got.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 8, 2017
issue #2,
So, here's what's happening. The refraction is pushing and pulling what you see in different directions, this is problematic when water hits walls because then it will try to pull from behind the wall. This is why you are getting the solid water fog color, the refraction is pulling from the void. I've had to face this issue in koth_occult. My solution was to back every displaced walls with tools/black so that it would refract that instead of the void. if you're going to attempt this, you'd likely need to turn your walls into displacements (or func_detail which might do the trick but you need to make sure you're set up so tools/black renders behind your func_detail, meaning no brush is allowed to touch) then, add a second layer of walls textured with tools/black. Also the water brush should extend beyond the visible wall, all the way to the black brushes. That way the water refraction won't be pulling from the void and will pull from your tools/black instead. The issue is likely still going to be somewhat visible, but it will be much less noticeable and more natural looking as it won't be this deep blue.

So that's a hack and a half, but it's all I got.



Hell. Yes.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 8, 2017
Use info_lighting to change the origin of the cap's lighting. Simply place the info_lighting above it, give it a name then set it as the lighting origin in the prop's properties. It should work as it overrides the prop's origin (which is bright) with the properly lit one.

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work, but good thinking anyway. Tested it out in a separate map afterwards, it seems the controlpoint is evenly lit under all circumstances. Unless there are any examples otherwise?