
PL Enclosure rc9b

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qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
Enclosure - A nice, small Jungle-themed payload map. (WIP)

Enclosure is a payload map I was working on for past few days. It's work-in-progress, but it's playable in it's current state.

It sports a jungle visual theme and was inspired by Jurassic Park movies (it even has a raptor pit that you can fall into).

I'll keep working on it, but I want to get it out there to see what people think of this.


L5: Dapper Member
May 1, 2015
The whole map looks really cool. Although, honestly, it's probably way too detailed for an alpha. I don't want to tell you how to map, everyone has their own style and way they make things work. But, most alpha maps, for the first few versions at least, won't play that well at all. That's why you see many mappers start off with just dev textures. It's because they know they're going to change stuff later, whether layout, or architecture, or theme.

To be clear. Detailing at an early stage isn't bad, but it's risky. The more detailed a level is, the harder it becomes to edit it, and alter the layout, and stuff like that. So do whatever works for you, but keep in mind you'll probably be moving things around in the future.


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
Yeah... That's my problem. I start with dev textures like most people then I just start adding detail in one area and some time later i notice i detailed half of the map.

I only wanted to replace dev textures for alpha with proper ones, and then i added a bunch of props... I just can't help it :p


L5: Dapper Member
May 1, 2015
Yeah... That's my problem. I start with dev textures like most people then I just start adding detail in one area and some time later i notice i detailed half of the map.

I only wanted to replace dev textures for alpha with proper ones, and then i added a bunch of props... I just can't help it :p

It's probably fine. Like scaling, it's just something you get the hang of with practice. You'll get better at knowing how and when to detail. You're doing well, and like I said the map looks really cool and I hope it plays well on top of that.


Jan 7, 2015
I have some feedback for you:
  • All your displacements have dark black lines between them. This is usually caused by fast compile settings or displacements sharing a face.
  • I'm personally not a fan of those high-voltage fences. It seems like easy kills for airblasting pyros.
  • Like Megapieman said, the map hardly feels big enough for a full server. Some areas are awkwardly small such as:
  • Red side of raptor pit
  • Side passage near C (i kept getting stuck on the doorways too)
  • Also, this flank seems useless because a single sniper can shut it down and the attackers cannot escape once they enter it:
  • I don't think you have a leak (which would cause suspiciously dark shadowy areas), but you do have quite a few suspiciously dark shadowy areas. Especially in that cave between C and D.
Great job on the detailing though. I hope it's not too difficult to edit.


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
Buggy and ugly shadows were caused by repacking the map (I had it compiled with fast settings so it's probably that).


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
Following feedback from impromptu on 7th of October stuff got changed:
-Changed walkways around B point, you no longer need to stuff yourself through these narrow towers to get up on top of them from RED side
-Added cliff path from B point walkway to upper floor of the brick building
-Removed useless tunnel after B point
-Moved C point from brick building to outside area closer to D
-Opened up brick building to reduce chokeyness of the area
-Added cliff path leading from brick building to above C point
-Compiled with full settings (LDR only) so there shouldnt be any ugly lighting this time

Read the rest of this update entry...


Takes way to long to make and update maps
Jun 11, 2015
If the previous map is stage three, you definitely want to make it harder for BLU, because the last stage is usually the hardest stage.


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
>Stage 1
-Moved red spawn from the building right next to final point to building on top of the hill.
-Redesigned upper building on final to remove obnoxious sniper spots
-Added cover to the area along the tracks on last
-Added triggered door to exit tnto last area
-Addded a bunch of rocks to area around mid to break up sightlines in the ravine area
-Moved blu spawn forward, now exits directly into the tunnel
>Stage 2
-Added cover to area before last
-Cleared up warehouse area
-Fixed red func_respawnroom to actually cover the spawnroom at floor level
Removed player clip from the pit in blu spawn, added trigger_hurt to the pit

Read the rest of this update entry...


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
>Rolled back to version a6p and worked from there
-I screwed something up in version a7p which caused stage 2 to end when cart passed over first point. Couldn't figure out what caused it, i got pissed off and rollbacked. I tried to re-fix most of the stuff i fixed in a7 but there may be some things still missing.
>Stage 1
-Added a route leading from long corridor along first point ravine directly up to towers in the area at last
-Moved mid point towards entrance to building before last
-Fixed door from the building leading to last
>Stage 2
-Reverted to version a6 to fix stage 2 abruptly ending after capturing mid point
>Stage 3
-Added hazard stripes and sounds to electric fences

Read the rest of this update entry...