
ZI zia_mercyless a1b


L5: Dapper Member
Aug 12, 2017
August101 submitted a new resource:

zia_mercyless - "Oh, like you had any mercy to begin with!"

Welcome to a variant game mode that I'm currently calling Zombie Infection Assault; which is basically A/D zombie infection. How it works is instead of simply waiting out the clock, red has to work pass the 3 control points in order to enable the hold out clock, with blue spawns littered across the path to each point. While blue has no unique zombie types/changes [yet] they do have a cluster of skeletons to act as hoard.

I imagine this map in it's current state to be unbalanced, but I'm not...

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L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Well I think the name is very fitting, because it's truely mercyless, we played in the server and RED barely could cap the first CP.

To be honest it think this is a problem with the original ZI, I think that mode itself is very unbalanced, when I played on Halloween matches usually ended in BLU 22 / RED 1