yet another ambient_generic problem thread


L3: Member
Dec 19, 2007
None of the others seemed to have my issue, though. I've got a custom looping alarm .wav file that I'd like to play when a player comes into proximity of the ambient_generic. While messing with settings, I got it to work successfully, but it was very quiet. I increased the volume on the file and now I cannot get this looping sound to stop playing, no matter where you are in the map.

I first solved the problem by using a mono sound file instead of stereo, but now it seems that no manner of mono, stereo, or combination of flag checks on the entity itself will allow this thing to work the way I know it should.

Will someone please tell me precisely the proper method for using a custom wav on a proximity-based sound entity?


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008


* Is NOT Looped

Changes how the ambient_generic handles stopping and starting playback. It won't stop a sound that loops from looping, but it is still very important to set it to the right value. You might not be able to stop and/or start the sound if it isn't!
Having this option ticked while using a looped sound WILL prevent you from controlling it!

Might have something to do with your problem? There seems to be a ton of bugs regarding looping sounds.


L3: Member
Dec 19, 2007
Yeah, I didn't see anything particularly helpful on that page. I don't need to control it past having it start when the map starts, and that happens automatically. I've got an ambient_generic working just fine with the included sound "Ambient.machinehum", but as I said my problem is with a sound that I've made myself, and I'm using it as a raw .wav as opposed to part of a soundscape or anything like that.

I suppose the most frustrating thing is that it was working at one point and I've no idea how I did it.

edit: the issue seems to have inexplicably solved itself. perhaps it was a hammer restart? oh well.
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