What can I use for outdoor walls?


L2: Junior Member
Apr 9, 2010
Hi, I'm trying to work on an egyptian themed map. It's my first map and I think I'm basically done for my first and second cps. However these are both inside so its easy to, wall it, if you know what I mean. Stop people going out of the map. Put limits down.

But this middle control point is proving a nightmare to even think about. I literally have no idea how to wall it off. It's in a very linear way. Sort of:

...................................................X.........water w/ bridge....................
...................................................X.......w w/ b....................................

Bad diagram but I hope you get the idea. If you go into the water, you would have to go round back to your 2nd cp in order to get back to the battle

So how can I wall this off? I was thinking about usuing cliffs, but I'm no good at them, and the rest of my map is quite tall, and they just look skewed and ridiculous. I really don't know what to do.

I need an easy, thin way to wall it off from the area on the other side, but it has to be outdoors, and can't be seethrough.

Anyone have any ideas? I can upload the vmf onto mediafire or something if you need more details...

Thanks (I can't believe I left that out in my OP, where are my manners?)
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L2: Junior Member
Apr 9, 2010
You could drop in some fences or random buildings to fill the space up Oh and since its egypt I would recommend you download the decompiled version and take a look to see what Heyo did.

The problem there, is that for a fence, people are going to be able to see past it, into a place which is right next to the first cp, and thats going to be confusing as all. Not to mention that snipers will be able to sit in there with no counter except a scout or spy going through the whole map...

For a building, its just far too thick to be viable.

Really, I should have thought this through, before I finished the rest...

Is it possible, to use 3d skybox brush, to split the areas so people couldn't see through?

Thanks for the decompiled egypt though, could be helpful.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 27, 2009
you could try piling small props up (like haystacks if it was farm themed)


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 26, 2009
If you really have no alternative, consider making the entire map the contents of a ruined mega-temple. You would have an excuse for giant walls, as well as a reason why the roof is gone.