Just wanted a map to dump stupid ideas into and make the most painful experience possible.
Don't worry, it will get worse as it goes along
Thanks to all the playtesters that helped shape this update
Updated world lighting to be less dark overall as well as change the angle to help light the point up more (I'll be working on this further as I'm not too happy with where its at now, Just got quite a few complaints that it was much too dark).
Added signage above more confusing areas such as the button that ignites the ramp, the tube in spawn and the new trimp ramp.
Added a new trimp ramp below the point and moved the packs from the box stack to be next to this new trimp ramp.
Adjusted the mid tubes to not instantly kill players inside them when the point flips, instead it will wait 5 seconds.
Added a new tube over the deathpit to help rollout be a little quicker or avoid sightlines.
Added more lava and health inside the lower house.
Swapped the medium ammo over the deathpit with a full health.
Fixed pumpkin bombs not spawning in correctly.
Added a grate from the sniper perch to the saw-doorway that can be splashed through.
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