Custom Game Mode? ✓ "Bite-Sized" Arenas? ✓ Unofficial? ✓ Yep, It's Mappin' Time
Submissions are due Oct 31. Late submissions are welcome.
Submission Rules:
1. You will submit your map as a VMF file with the naming scheme ta_username_version. I.E. ta_stackman_a1.vmf
2. Delete all of the "Gray" box logic from your map file INCLUDING the trigger_capture_area
3. Use a Skip texture brush to replace the deleted capture zone from your arena(s). Ensure it is obvious which brush is the capture zone.
4. In your "Orange" logic, there is a logic_auto with two
OnMultiNewMap - _TEMP_arena_chooser - AddOutput
For the one that alters the targetName, append "-username" to the parameter. Type your username exactly as you named your .vmf.
targetname arena_chooser
--> targetname arena_chooser-stackman
This is the only part of any entity you need to do this for.
Other Notes:
- If you wish, you may edit the game_text_tf to have a message. It will play at the start of every one of your arenas. I.E. "Arena Created by Stack Man"
- Include a download of custom content used, if any.
- Please ensure that your map functions correctly and is compileable before submission.
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