The Mustache Monument (OPEN) 3 MAPS TO BE ADOPTED


L1: Registered
Nov 8, 2022
Hi, I have a few maps that I'm no longer interested in working on anymore, either because they're extremely old or they have problems either from a technical or gameplay standpoint that I don't know what to do with and don't have the skill to fix. But of course I don't want my work to go to waste so I thought here would be a good place to drop off some maps if anyone's interested doing whatever they want with them. I may add more maps here in the future, really depends whether I abandon some more maps.

KOTH_Waterfall (Alpha, Untested, Detailed). Added Feb 7 2023
King of the Hill: Waterfall is a map set in a logging mill right on the edge of a waterfall. This is the very first map I've ever made, and is also the first map I've never released publicly. Due to it being my first map, it has a shit load of issues such as the map being extremely small (to be honest this would be better as an Arena map), the map being extremely flat, the center control point being hard to capture, and leak that I never fixed. It also has some other issues that are a result of me being extremely amateur at Hammer at the time, such as really bad texturing because I didn't see the point of dev textures at the time, the fact that stuff like grass textures are separate individual brushes because I didn't know that I could apply multiple textures on individual sides of a world brush, despite being in it's Alpha version the map is fully detailed because again I didn't see the point of dev textures, and that there are no func_details on the map because I didn't know about them either (although it doesn't matter too much because the map is so small it takes no time to compile). The map also has no models in it's skybox because at the time of developing this map I didn't know how to do that, and I attempted to fix this issue by having giant walls that cover up a majority of the skybox as well as props all over them.

KOTH_PortPegleg (Beta, Tested, Undetailed). Added Feb 7 2023
King of the Hill: Port Pegleg is a map set in a tourist trap located within a historical pirate town in Germany. This is my second map I've ever made and the first I ever released to the public and tested on the TF2Map Discord Server. Despite having better knowledge on both Hammer and TF2 map design, this map also has quite a few problems. The map has a huge Sniper sightline problem, and while I've weakened the power of these sightlines they're still an issue and practically control the entire center point, the map has textures that clip into each other which I was never able to fix, the second exit to each player's spawnpoints looks absolutely terrible and is scrappily made, the map also apparently has a lighting issue which I didn't know how to fix, and the map is too open and Demomen with sticky jumpers can get to the center control point extremely quickly.
Port Pegleg.png

CP_Flatline (Beta, Untested, Semi-detailed). Added Nov 19 2023
Control Point: Flatline is an 3CP Attack/Defend map set in a Japanese nature reserve up in the mountains of Hokkaido that's semi-under construction (map was named when the map was planned to be set in a Japanese hospital, but since the theme change the name has not been changed). The map as of now does not work properly. While the gamemode logic works, stuff such as Setup Time and changing Respawn rooms when certain points have been captured do not. The third point also is completely disconnected from the rest of the map, and the second point's layout is mostly unfinished. This is because there is a seperate 2CP version of the map that I made before this version which doesn't have the second control point, which I have decided to keep to myself. I had decided that the map was too short and add another control point in between the first and last points. There are some leftover routes and rooms that lead to nowhere or are now inaccessible due to the fact that Point 1 and Point 3 no longer lead into eachother. The main issue with this map and the reason why I have abandoned it is that I had very little direction when making it, even before I turned the map into 3CP. The map is loosely based off of the mission "Situs Inversus" from the game Hitman: World of Assassination, and that stemmed from me seeing potential in the helipad area of that mission in TF2, so I built a level around that. Turns out, trying to jam a level from a completely different game doesn't work very well, and while I think the Helipad area worked out okay-ish (a bit too big for my liking, but can easily be scaled down), everything else didn't have a clear sense of direction. This issue became even worse when I decided to cram another control point in between the first and last which doesn't stem from anything from my initial source of inspiration. I was more or less making it up as I went along, and now I have zero idea with what to do with it. I don't know how to finish the second point's layout, and how to organically have the first point lead into it and how to make it lead it to the final point. I may just go back to refine the original 2CP version a bit unless I get bored, but I wanted to post the 3CP version here on the Orphanage to see what others do with it, because I feel like the new second point has potential. While I was making it up as I go along, I feel like there's something that can be done with it. I don't hate the current layout that I have made for it, I just don't know how to finish it and how to make it connect with the previous and following control points, so instead of completely wasting it I want to see what others can do with it. Oh and wanna mention again Setup Time and changing Respawn Rooms do not work. And the lighting's kinda shit too.

These maps all include textures, models, props, etc from the Boojum Snark's Team Fortress 2 Mapping Resource Pack and the Frontline! Resource Pack. Their downloads can be found in the following links.
Boojum Snark:
Japanese Content Pack:

CREDITING: I'd like to be simply credited as the original creator/author of these maps and that the updated version of the map you are releasing is built upon the map made by me.


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  • koth_waterfall.bsp
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