Can someone tell me what ZF is?
Zombie Fortress is one of the most popular mod for game play out there, there are 12 or 15 servers that run this mod, 3 or 4 on our server list are ZF. Zombie Fortress is very easy to map for, here are some of the game types. Many clans and groups have one, go try it out and get a feel for the maps
here is a list of game modes that you can map for.
The easiest to map for, no win conditions for blue (The plug in handles the win condition and team swapping) and you only need a timer for red to win
Be careful with this type! Rooms with one entrance and a supply of ammo easily become an overpowered camping spot!
Examples: Panic, headquarters
Capture points
These can be split up into 2 catagories
Red team must go through a series of capture points and obstacles, and win when they capture the last one. When the timer runs out blue win
This mode is generally difficult for survivors, but a good teaam can usually win. Winning difficult maps feels so much more rewarding!
Also, this game mode is generally well-received when done well
(I reccommend about 4-6 control points)
Examples: Alpine, top
Red team msut defend 1 or 2 control points. f the control points are captured by blue, they win. If the time runs out, red wins
These maps are usually camp-fests though, there is only one left running on the GFL servers
Examples: panic_mansion
Red team must defend an object (A bomb in all current maps)
The bomb usually consists of a glass case or layers of glass with a bomb prop inside it, the case should be filtered so only blue can attack it
When the bomb(/case) is destroyed, blue win (adding explosions makes it look better
When the time runs out red wins
Examples: Vangaurd, dest_nuke
Capture the flag
At the minute there has only been two maps that I'm aware of made for this game mode.
Red team must capture intelligences which spawn at different places each capture
Once all intelligences are captured, red wins
Once the time runs out, blue wins
Examples: siberia
Survivors push a payload
I believe if the name starts pl_zf or pl_ the plugin automatically makes blue the survivors and red the zombies (for easy map conversion)
When the payload reaches the end, survivors win
Whent the time runs out, zombies win
The plugin disables a resupply on the cart, so you don't need to add one
Exmples: pl_zf_scientologue
Your own game mode
Can you think of something new or interesting? If so, feel free to try it!
Bear in mind while mapping, the further the map progresses the more survivors that will have been converted to zombie!
Edit: Also, the basics of the plugin
Red team is survivors, blue team si zombie
Every time a red team member dies, they are swapped to blue team
When every red team member dies, blue wins
These rules will carry through any game mode!
Edit (again): The perks system might play a big role in how your map works
Remember: According to the GFL rules if a perkless heavy can't reach somewhere it is an exploitable loaction, try and block these off in some way